Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14/Chapter 15
Chapter 4/5
Which program provided entry level jobs in the private sector for young urban minority people and the chronically unemployed?
What is the Comprehensive Education and Training Act (CETA)- page 340
AFDC received the harshest cuts under Reagan based on new assumptions about income. Which new assumptions were the cuts based upon? a. Assumed income b. Age limits for children c. Supplemental security income d. Both A and B
What is • Answer- D. - Assumed income and Age limits for children
What was the rationale for congress to cut medical benefits?(page 409)
What is: The nation should not burden future children with taxes; However, tax-breaks for the wealthy of 245 billion was proposed.
Why were minorities and immigrants were often advised to avoid programs such as TANF, Medicaid, and food stamps (page 450-451)
This was due to immigration status worries, afraid of deportation, denial of citizenship issues.
The private sector and public sector of social welfare includes (page 62)
What is: Public Sector- Public agencies (federal, state, local)- Largest proportion of goods/services distributed in welfare state= indirect transfers of funds via taxes • Encompasses federal, State, and local governments • Accounts for the largest portion of goods and services distributed in the welfare state Private sector = a. Informal support by family and friends b. Services by voluntary non-profit orgs c. Services by profit making agencies- nothing for free; goods and services limited to people with low/no income
Which statement regarding the social security system is true? -a. most people receive much less than they put into the social security system -b. most people don't contribute to the social security system -c. most people receive much more than they put into the social security system -d. The social security system only benefits the poor
What is c. most people receive much more than they put into the social security system- page 335
Which of the issues below were NOT among the morality based opinions that influenced Reagan’s policies? a. A Nuclear family is best b. There is a “morality” of income-producing labor at any wage c. Helping the poor helps society d. There is a God-ordained future of America, with “super”-patriotism being best
What is c. - Helping the poor helps society
What is the Deadbeat punishment act? And why was it controversial?
What is: Tracked fathers who were not paying child support and made it a felony in order to collect funds • Restraining orders needed to be filed. • Read about this act under child support and dependency programs • Absent Pappy law"" • Goal- To reduce dependency of single women by finding men and women signing warrants and complaints with DA • Lie detector tests about who father was, how to find them, and get them to pay
What act during the Bush Cheney era was a move from public to private hospitals, and therefore restricted to emergency patients, who can then be released without further treatment after specific dollar amounts of care have been provided? (page 446) • 300 healthcare facilities required to provide no or low-cost emergency care up to a specific dollar amount • Incentive to get health screening has max, “stipend” to receive healthcare • Once dollar amount is used up, you can be released without further tx
What is the Hill Burton act of 1946?
What 3 values go into the distribution and allocation of social justice?(page 76)
What is: equality, equity, and adequacy? Equality • Numerical equality • The same treatment of everyone • Proportional equality • The same treatment of similar persons according to merit or virtue • Those with disability and aged • Social justice also responsive to other values besides equality, e.g. opportunity and chance Equity= ("fair")- • Denotes a conventional sense of fair treatment Adequacy • The desirability of providing a decent standard of material well-being
True or False- Reaganomics helped the Native Americans?
What is False- Reaganomics hit Native Americans hard -Native American protests became more radical after the Civil Rights Act -Health improved markedly -The American land-grab of Native American lands continued
What is Supply-side economics and did it work? If not, why?
What is the economic theory that "if more supplies, people would buy more, more jobs, economy would make money"; the high production would keep a large supply of goods on the market, people continue to buy, and buying more would produce more jobs, producing more money to buy more goods. • Did not work- Fatal errors Result= loss of jobs due to not buying supplies, people employed were now unemployed • People continued to be unemployed, with low wages
The following were components of what act in 1998? 1998 act by Clinton o Only 14 billion of 48 billion child support owed was collected o Absent parents were “deadbeat parents” o Clinton administration made collections a priority o Multi-agency task-force to track non-payers who crossed stateliness to avoid child support, making this a felony o Stopped people from getting license if no child-support paid o Put people in jail if they fall behind in child support o That local administration served to better control the poor o DNA and bold testing used for paternity tests
What is: the Deadbeat Parents Punishment Act?
Did the Obama presidency end racism? (page 457)
What is No! • For the first time in American history a president of African-American heritage—Barack Obama—was elected • His election did not stop racism- it brought awareness for impetus to free future generations of that form of immorality/racism • We began to look at what equality meant
What factor makes the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) a Negative tax?(page 98)
What is "REFUNDABILITY"? • Earned Income Tax Credit(EITC)- if you are working with kids you get tax refund • What makes the earned income tax credit a Negative tax= "refundability" • When the value of the credit exceeds to amount of income taxes owed, worker receives a cash rebate • Government is not keeping the money, taxes come back • Covers low-income wage-earning families • Families earning up to $50,270 are eligible for credits • Cash rebates received if credit exceeds amount owed
True or False- During the 1970's, civil rights for Mexican Americans made great progress?
What is False! Little real progress was made to ensure equality for Mexican Americans Hispanics were always targets of hate groups
What were the assumptions that came into play with the 10. Aid to Families of Dependent Children (AFDC)? (page 369)
What is : • Cuts made, assumption was that it assumed income from other sources, e.g. casual income from tips, inheritance gifts, child support -see page 369 • When people received AFDC, if govt assumed they got assumed income, their benefits were cut: • Assumptions about income: a. Assumed income meant- Eligibility workers could assume income, received or not, from: Stepfathers, court-ordered support from absent parents, EITC(Earned income tax credits), “windfalls”-gifts, insurance benefits, and small inheritances b. Allowable assets only up to $1000, except home, car, burial plot, funeral arrangement, marketable real estate c. Eligibility caps to 150% of state level d. Age limits for children e. Eligibility and benefits determined retrospective budgeting of previous months f. New work provisions placed 100% tax on work earnings. g. Reporting of causal income such as tips, blood donations, immigrant’s sponsors income, food stamps, women expected to work to 6th month of pregnancy, AFDC for the unemployed parent (AFDC-UP) was allowed at state option
The following were values built into what act? (page 398) o Taking food from children to punish their mothers o Personal Responsibility Act’s mission statement- The Intent of congress- “Restoring the American family, reduce illegitimacy control welfare spending, and reduce welfare dependence.” o Helped to defend way of thought that it is immoral to have children without nuclear family- “restoring the family”- monogamous marriage o Thrust of act was that women on public assistance (mostly unwed teen moms) did not take “personal responsibility” for having children o Did not mention the men who had the baby with the women o The Poor’s lack of responsibility gave the “moral” public (those married and working) budget deficit
What is The TANF(Temporary Assistance for Needy Families).
The goal of the Stimulus Act, aka “The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act” was to...
What is: • to stimulate the economy, that was in recession since 2007; to jump-start the economy and salvage between 900K to 2.3 million jobs; To help bail out banks(700 billion); 275 billion for job creation; 224 billion for extended unemployment benefits
Four causes of the gap between a person's eligibility and use of services are:
What is: a. Unaware of services- • Immigrants, and younger people who homeless, homeless youth • People don't reach out to them b. Unable to benefit from services • People who don’t qualify due to citizenship status, people with addiction c. Potential beneficiaries may be deterred from seeking benefits • Because of stigma, afraid of being labeled • Agencies label them as being resistance d. Uninterested in benefiting • People who think "they can do it on their own"
During the 1970's, what happened to the AFDC act?
Regarding the Aid to Families with Dependent Children act, gains for AFDC families were soon lost.
Describe Reagan's perspective and values towards social welfare: (page 359)
What is: He was very conservative, and more interested in nuclear family; he thought that if you were moral you would have a good job, to be god fearing and live up to standards  this is why he did not have issues with cutting services for people Reagan’s Morals:  being on welfare was not good  this is why he did not have issues with cutting services for people- see page 358-359 for Reagans belief system  “America’s commitment to individualist values, hard work, and acquisition of property”  Pre-Civil War Ideology- fear of communism that was not happening  Economic individualism, unfettered private enterprise  Social welfare programs attacked for high cost  Far Right supported his values- virtue of family and local community, statutory sanction over moral behavior, “anti-welfarism”
The following are examples of what? -Direct legislation benefiting corporations -Corporate lobbying -Tax loopholes and corporate-pricing schemes -Strategic Defense Initiative
What is "Corporate Welfare"
Which of the following is NOT one of the nine titles included in the ACA/Obamacare? 1. eliminating refusal for preexisting conditions, creating American Health Benefit Exchange, and tax credits for those with low incomes 2. expand Medicaid coverage for lower-income, enhance federal support for CHIP, make enrollment to Medicaid easier 3. improve quality and efficiency of healthcare, linking payments of services to quality of outcomes 4. prevent chronic illnesses and improve overall public health, creating interagency council, identifying barriers to preventive services 5. improve training, recruitment, and retention of healthcare workers so as to increase and diversify healthcare workforce 6. increase the number of minorities who can qualify for assistance 7. establish new requirements for heath industry transparency by providing public information and seeking to prevent fraud an abuse 8. Promote access to medical innovations by establishing process to allow the FDA to license new treatment, and make more meds affordable for children and underserved 9. Establish voluntary self-funded long-term care insurance program called the community living assistance services and supports (CLASS) to purchase community living assistance services 10. Impose new excise tax of 40% on insurance companies with any healthcare plan of annual premium that is exceeding $8,500 for individual; and $23,000/family.
What is "6. increase the number of minorities who can qualify for assistance "
Why are vouchers helpful to the morale of recipients?
What is: Vouchers preserves consumer choice while allowing a degree of social control. • e.g. more places accept EBT and many liquor stores accept EBT b. Ensures that benefits serves a vital public purpose