Character Development
Central Idea
Define Central Idea.
The overall point or message in a non-fiction text.
Protagonist Mary from "Lamb to the Slaughter" can be considered a "round" character. True or False AND explain.
True. Mary's character changes drastically from the beginning of the story (loving and mellow) to the end of the story (killer and psychotic).
What is the best Theme for "Lamb to the Slaughter"? a. Don't eat meat. b. If you're an officer, don't eat at a possible suspect's house. c. Men need to treat their women with respect. d. Love can change you. e. Cheat and you'll die.
d. Love can change you.
"A student in Seattle, Washington yawns as he stands in his school cafeteria before classes start. Officials at his school voted to adopt an 8:45am start time beginning in the fall of 2016 for all of its high schools and most of its middle schools." Based on this caption and what you read in assigned Achieve 3000 article, "Bright and Early... Or Not?" what is the best Central Idea Statement? a. Students need an earlier bed time. b. School start times are undergoing some shifts. c. Parents often dislike adolescent sleep patterns. d. Teachers work to increase students' academic success. e. The rain in Seattle, WA makes students drowsy in school.
b. School start times are undergoing some shifts.
Define Theme.
The lesson or moral in a Literary text (fiction).
What is the difference between Direct and Indirect Characterization?
Direct Characterization is when character traits are explicitly stated in a text, whereas Indirect Characterization is when character traits are merely implied, requiring the reader to make inferences about the character based on evidence given.
What is the best Theme for "A Very Old Man With Enormous Wings"? a. Don't judge a book by its cover b. Fallen angels are demons c. There is no theme(s) d. Other __(explain)__
a. Don't judge a book by its cover.
"In 1951, Ethel Rosenberg and her husband Julius were convicted of conspiracy to commit espionage and were consequently sentenced to death. Now, newly released transcripts of the court proceedings provide powerful evidence that Ethel's conviction and execution were based on perjured testimony." - What is the Central Idea of this paragraph from assigned Achieve3000 article, "The Case Against Rosenberg Falls Apart"?
Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were sentenced to death for espionage, but new evidence indicates Ethel may have been innocent.
Explain the difference between Central Idea and Theme.
Central Idea is the message conveyed in non-fiction text whereas Theme is the message/lesson conveyed in Literary/fictional text.
List the 5 strategies an author may use to characterize indirectly.
1. Appearance/Description 2. Their Private Thoughts 3. Their Speech/Words 4. Their Actions 5. Other Characters' Reactions
Which of the following is a non-example for Theme and how do you know? a. Slow and steady wins the race. b. Treat others how you want to be treated. c. Clinton and Trump are our presidential candidates. d. What goes around comes back around.
c. It is simply a fact, not a moral or lesson.
Explain the difference between relevant and irrelevant information and their impact when identifying the Central Idea.
Irrelevant Information is unimportant information or details that do not contribute to the Central Idea. Relevant Information is important information that is used to determine the Central Idea. (The Sound Evidence/Supporting Details).