What is the vocab word for "when desires are met."
What is the first 5 books of the Bible, tells story of humanity’s Creation through the beginning of Israel called?
The roles religious, political, and military leaders in Israel are for who?
Speak on God’s behalf, Hold people accountable to living out the covenant, and Prepare people for coming of Christ.What are these the roles of?
a prophet
What number commandment is "I am the Lord your God you shall no have strange gods before me"?
We are make in God's ------ and ------.
Who was the first matriarch and patriarch?
abraham and sarah
What Old Testament prophecy is Jael connected to?
Who was the worst king and had a wife who pushed pagan beliefs onto the people?
King Ahab
what number commandment is "You shall not covet your neighbors goods"?
What is the difference between Divine revelation and Natural revelation?
In natural revelation you use your reason to understand God's existence, but with divine revelation you have to use your faith to believe in him.
What are the terms for a female and male head of a tribe or family?
Matriarch and Patriarch
What did Hannah wish and pray for and eventually got?
A baby
What prophecies were about the coming Messiah who will be part of David’s line?
messianic prophecies
What number commandment is "You shall not take the Lord your God's name in vain"?
What is the term for the teaching authority of the Church on matters of faith and morals made up of the pope and all bishops in communion with him?
What was the time of peace before Adam and Eve ate from the fruit 0f the tree of knowledge.
Original Holiness
What was the name of Hannah's baby?
Who had a prophecy about the suffering servant?
What number commandment is "Honor your mother and father"?
What sense of scripture connects Jesus' actions in the New Testament to actions preformed by other people in the Old Testament?
Allegorical Sense
What did God give the israelites to eat in the desert?
Which king was Solomon?
Who was tempted by a king to disobey the jewish food laws?
What number commandment is "You shall not steal"?