What is an altar?
A. A book found inside every Church's chapel.
B. Someone who leads the beginning of Mass.
C. The name for the entrance to a cathedral.
D. A consecrated space where the Priest speaks from.
Which four-section prayer is typically recited after the Priest gives the Homily?
A. Our Father
B. Nicene Creed
C. St. Michael Prayer
D. Act of Contrition
Which Genesis narrative tells the story about the origin of Original Sin?
A. The Flood
B. The Tower of Babel
C. Adam & Eve
D. Cain & Abel
With which Biblical figure did God make a covenant in which he promised to never again destroy the world by a flood?
A. Noah
B. Abraham
C. John the Baptist
D. Jeremiah
1 - A Priest
2 - A parishioner
Act out the proper way to receive Communion.
Parishioner should have bowed, held their dominant hand underneath the other hand, and the Priest should have placed the Communion into the person's palm.
Who speaks from a lectern?
Priests, lectors, and anyone that does "announcements" at the end of Mass.
Who says "Do this in remembrance/memory of me"?
The priest
Which of the following is NOT one of the Effects or Consequences of Original Sin?
A. Humans are born with an afflicted condition that can only be removed by Baptism.
B. Humans are forced to be stewards of creation rather than coexisting with it.
C. Humans have lost both Original Justice and Original Holiness.
D. Humans are subject to concupiscence.
God promised that the messiah would come from which historical Biblical figure's line?
A. Samuel
B. Paul
C. Joseph
D. David
One - God
One - Moses
Everyone else - Israelites
Reenact the events of God appearing to Moses at Mount Sinai.
God asks Moses to free the Israelites from slavery and gives him the Law (the Ten Commandments) to give to his People.
"Eucharist" is a name for what in the Mass?
Why do we genuflect towards the tabernacle?
Because it is where Jesus is in the form of His body (Communion).
Select the three correct lessons taught by the Great Flood.
A. Living a moral life is worth it.
B. The universe is not under humanity's control.
C. Personal sin causes alienation among people.
D. God is capable of showing both justice and mercy.
A., B., & D.
Explain what happened after the death of King Solomon.
The Kingdom of Israel was divided into two parts, collectively made up of Twelve Tribes.
1 - A parishioner
Show the proper way to perform the Gospel Cross (done as the Priest says "A reading from the Holy Gospel according to ___.")
Left hand over abdomen, right hand salute form, use thumb to make a small cross first over your forehead, then over your lips, then over your heart.
Which important event in Church history taught and established the the sacrifice of Christ must be recalled during every celebration of Mass by which we are transported to Calvary?
The Council of Trent
What is the correct response to: "Behold the Lamb of God, behold He who takes away the sins of the world. Blessed are those called to the supper of the Lamb"?
"Lord I am not worthy that You should enter under my roof, but only say the word and my soul shall be healed."
Where is the story of the Tower of Babel reversed?
At the descent of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost.
With which Biblical figure does God promise that Israel would forever be God's Chosen people?
All except one - People of Babel
One - God
Reenact the events of the Tower of Babel.
People of Babel built their Tower too tall to try to reach the level of God, and God came and destroyed their tower and separated everyone.
What does the Greek origin of the word "Eucharist" (Eucharistia) mean?
What is "transubstantiation"?
The divine and mysterious process by which the bread and wine used in Mass become the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ.
What is the Protoevangelium?
The first Gospel, given by God when as he was punishing the serpent after tempting Adam & Eve (Genesis 3:15).
What does God promise to Abraham in his covenant with him?
Many descendants, land for his people, and that his people would be a blessing to all the nations.
One - Ezekiel (asleep)
One - Ezekiel (in his dream)
Reenact Ezekiel's prophetic dream. Demonstrate what he dreamt about. You are allowed to have eepy Ezekiel "talk in his sleep."
Ezekiel dreamt about a field of dry bones. Ezekiel spoke to the bones to tell them that God would make breath enter the bones and they would come to life. Ezekiel did so and the bones became covered with flesh, skin, and came to life.