My birthday is
What is December 22nd, 2002
Where I am graduating from
What is Arizona State University
My favorite animal
What is a capybara
My cats' names
What are Beans and Spaz?
The dance studio I attended
What is Angie's Studio
What is Starbucks Coffee Company?
My favorite drink
What is coffee
My top hobby
What is painting?
My childhood best friends
Who are Amy Huesemann and Carly Bohning?
The president who's house I upkeep
Who is Harry S Truman?
My favorite movie
What is Rocky Horror Picture Show?
Shoe size
What is a size 7?
Pets I had in elementary school that turned cannibalistic
What are hermit crabs?
Government department that I work for
What is the Department of the Interior?
My favorite band
What is Queen?
How many tattoos I have
What is 16
What grade I skipped
What is moving from second grade to third grade in the middle of the school year, thus making me miss BOTH Valentines Day parties.
My dream career path
What is an art conservationist?
My favorite flavor
What is artificial banana flavor?
My major when I went to UMKC
What is mass communications with an emphasis in journalism?