God made a promise with this individual that his "descendants would be as numbers as the stars in the sky."
These two Greek parts compose the word "theology" (include what they mean)
Theos - God
Logos - study, word, account
This is the title of this course (and it's not "Catholic Theology 3")
Paschal Mystery
These two Bible characters share a similar name, suggesting that they share a similar game: deliver of God's people
Joshua & Jesus
This medieval theologian was fond of food, and arguments for God's existence
Every covenant that we have studied has this many components.
(1) A Promise
(2) A Particular Course of Action
(3) A Form of Ratification
(4) A New Structure Given to God's People
In the Catholic Theological Tradition, God reveals himself through these two ways.
(1) Scripture
(2) Tradition
This easy-to-follow Scecina rule is often broken, and Mr. Kassien will stop you from saying prayer if you do not follow it.
Tucking in your shirt
This is the new structure of God's people under the New Covenant that Jesus establishes.
A Universal Kingdom
This is the kind of theology performed when divine revelation is used to study God
Revealed Theology
This term refers to the human inclination to sin which is the result of original sin
God often uses human dreams to help save his people, especially with men who carry this common name
This is Mr. Kassien's favorite food
Mexican Food
This was the promise that God made to Israel through Moses when God established his covenant with Israel at Mount Sinai.
" . . . you will be my treasured possession . . . a kingdom of priests, a holy nation . . . "
This is the kind of theology performed when only reason and logic are used to study God
Natural Theology
This is the philosophy that claims that only that which can be verified by empirical science is true
Philosophical Scientism
Jesus carried his wooden cross up a hill to be crucified in order to follow the orders of his Father. What other Father/Son duo faced a similar situation?
Abraham & Isaac
Mr. Kassien's favorite theologian wore this odd piece of clothing that made him look extremely "fly"
Archbishop Fulton Sheen - A Cape
Name all three courses of action for the New Covenant that Jesus establishes.
(1) Believe in JEsus
(2) Believe in Jesus' teachings
(3) Eat his body and drink his blood
This theological term describes how AND from what God creates in the creation accounts of Genesis 1 & 2
"Ex nihilo" (from nothing)
These are the Gospel stories written about the early life of Jesus
The Infancy Narratives
The beginning and end of God's plan for salvation take place in this kind of location
A Garden
Name at least five rules (written or spoken) that Mr. Kassien enforces in his classroom
1. Be Virtuous 6. Raise Your Hand
2. Dress Code 7. No Biting
3. No Fighting. 8. No Gambling
4. No Dancing 9. No Juggling
5. No Touching 10. No Being Weird