Those of theology, Those of Creation, those of Redemption
Principle 1
We can only speak of God by way of analogy
What does the word testament, as in "New Testament" better translate to in English?
What are the 3 states of man?
original, fallen, redeemed
This replaces circumcision for Christians.
What is Baptism?
When speaking of moral actions, what 3 things are required to be good for the action to be considered good?
Object, intention, circumstances
Sins are not the presence of something evil. Rather they are the disordering of an action or thing which was originally good. This word is...
What is privation?
This sense tells interprets how the events of Scripture are fulfilled by Christ and the Church.
The Allegorical Sense
"And I will put enmity
between you and the woman,
and between your offspring[a] and hers;
he will crush[b] your head,
and you will strike his heel.”
What is the Protoevangelium?
What is Jacob’s name changed to? What does it mean?
Who are Jacobs 2 wives?
Which one is Joseph's mother?
1.Israel, he who strives with God
2. Rachel and Leah
3. Rachel
Where are 2 places in Scripture we find examples support the claim that Goodness begets goodness?
There are many answers
What does principle 4 tell us about creation?
Everything that exists is good!!!
An extension of kinship by oath.
What is a Covenant?
What are the 3 promises of the Abrahamic Covenant? in order
1. Land + Nation
2. Kingship + Name
3. Universal Blessing
How do Sodom and Gomorrah show God’s mercy and his judgement?
Who was related to Abraham that lived in Sodom?
1. Mercy- God spare the wicked city for the sake of a few righteous people. Judgement- God destroys the sinful people ones those who are just flee.
2. Lot and his family
Given the action of Anthony robbing a bank to pay for his daughter to go to college because he wants her to know that he loves her, what is the object, intention, and circumstances? Are any of them good? (15 seconds)
object: stealing
intention: to show his daughter he loves her by paying for college
Circumstances: Anthony cannot pay for his daughters college otherwise, he is worried she won't think he loves her... etc
What is principle 12? What are 3 examples of it in the Old Testament?
(25 secs)
1. The Protoevangelium, Joseph being kidnapped/ sent to Egypt, Sodom and Gomorrah, Genesis 22... etc
1. Man is created for his own sake and is valuable in himself.
2. Man is created for self gift/ love.
What are the two meanings of the Spousal Meaning of the body?
What is shame? Why does man have shame after the fall?
1. The desire to hide in the presence of another.
2. before the fall there is a fullness of love, and no temptation to use the other, after the fall man experiences insecurity/ desire to hide because he no longer trusts other persons.
What mountain did Abraham offer Isaac on?
What are 4 legitimate similarities between the sacrifice of Isaac and that of Jesus?
1. Mt Moriah
2. Both are beloved Sons of their father, Both are obedient sons, both carry the wood they are to be sacrificed upon, God ends up providing the Sacrifice, Both are returned to the arms of their father.
What are the 3 transcendental qualities? How do they relate to being?
Being is good insofar as it can be desired,
true insofar as it can be known, and
beautiful insofar as it can be delighted in.
What are the 4 components of a law?
A law is an
(a) ordinance of reason
(b) for the common good
(c) promulgated
(d) by one who has responsibility for the community.
What are the 5 roles of Adam and where are they rooted in Scripture?
Any mistakes and it is wrong
Priest- to till and keep
Prophet- told to name animals
King- given Dominion
Son of God- image and likeness
Universal Bridgroom- he is married to eve/All of humanity
What does promise God elevate to a Covenant for Abram in Gen 15:17?
What is the meaning of the fire pot and torch passing through the sacrifices?
How old is Abram when Isaac is born? What does Isaac mean
1.Giving him kingship and a name.
2. If I break this Covenant may I become as these animals which have been Sacrificed
3. 101, Laughter
Why did the Pharoah elevate Joseph to such a position of power in his kingdom?
What are 2 examples of Joseph using this powerful gift?
1. His ability to interpret dreams.
2. Dream of brothers sheaves bowing down to his sheaves, Pharoah's dream of the cows eating ears of grain to symbolize 7 years of plenty and 7 of famine.