Aquinas' masterwork, meant to serve as a summary or introduction to all of theology.
What is the Summa Theologiae?
The first universities were founded for this primary purpose.
What is for the study of theology and the education of monastics/priests?
What is natural revelation or natural reason?
The heresy of Albigensianism espoused this belief about the world and therefore, Christ/Eucharist.
What is that the material world is bad and the spiritual world is good?
What is a question?
This Mendicant Order was founded by St. Dominic in order to do this specific thing.
What is the Dominican Order? What is the Dominicans were founded to combat heresy?
Give an example for the Second Way.
(Accept reasoned answers). What is the domino effect?
The God-given avenue by which humans can know the existence of God.
What is divine revelation?
A summary of each of the Five Ways given in correct order.
What is the argument from motion, causality, necessary and contingent being, gradation, and final causes?
This Mendicant Order was founded by a man and a woman who wanted to serve the poor by becoming poor themselves.
What is the Franciscan Order?
Give an example of the Fifth Way.
Accept reasoned answers...What is the archer and arrow?
The substance and accidents of the Eucharist.
What is the substance is the body and blood of JC and the accidents are the bread and wine?
The relationship between St. Thomas Aquinas and the Latin motto, "fides quarens intellectum."
(Answers may vary)... For ex, What is Aquinas used secular pagan philosophy and physics to engage with and explain articles of faith?
The definition and method of Scholasticism (the method used by St. Thomas Aquinas).
What is a medieval method of thinking and teaching that began with a question in order to arrive at a stronger grasp of the truth?
The definition of a substance and an accident.
What is any individual being that exists in itself and what is an underlying quality that exists in the subject?
The four-part format of an article of the Summa (in order).
What are the objections, rebuttal (sed contra), body (corpus), and responses (to objections).
The reason why most Mendicant Orders were founded. Describe the abuse they were primarily responding to.
What is...
the Benedictines had fallen into corruption and lived fairly wealthy lives. Mendicant Orders were founded in order to regain an understanding of their vows of poverty and total trust in God's providence.
The two figures in the center of the School of Athens and the nature of their disagreement.
Who are Plato and Aristotle? What is the world of the unseen forms/transcendentals vs reality which we experience via our senses?
Raphael's Disputation of the Holy Sacrament responds to the School of Athens in this way.
What is Jesus Christ, the Incarnate Logos of God, is the fulfillment of both Plato and Aristotle--fully God and fully human?