
Having of preference for one thing over another, usually un fair


Old law

he law of mosses, as summarized in in the decalogue/ten commandments, which make clear the many truth contained in natural law that humans reason can discover on its own, prepares us for Jesus.



Excessive freedom, selfish abuse of free will


What do the Letter mean In S.T.O.P

Search out the facts

Thinks about alternatives and consequences

others can help you make good decisions

Pray always for guidance


Common Good

The social conditions present that allow people or groups to fulfill their potential

common goods requires both people respecting the dignity of the human and promoting a social well being and development of various social groups


New Law

The law of the gospel, perfection her on earth, both natural and revealed law. the New Law is the work of Christ and is expressing sermon on the mount


actual grace

God's intervention in your life, whether to help you initially convert from sinfulness to a life in Christ or to help you continue as a Christian disciple


What are the three things we look at when Searching out the facts?

Object (matter),Intention, circumstance

if either the object or intention is bad then the actions is immoral

and the circumstances can only add or subtract from your responsibility



Free will, freedom is the basis to all actions good or bad, it helps to express humanity, enables you to love, true freedom help you to develop your god given talents

when freedom is impeded personal responsibility for an action lessens


Civil Law

Applies natural law to member of a given society, civil law must follow natural law in order tobe moral or they become unjust, example of civil law is driving.



the moral responsibility for ones human actions/ your actions belong ( or are attributed) to you.



The teaching Body of the Church. Made by the Pope and all the bishops


External freedom

Freedom from factors outside yourself that threaten to or destroy your power to exercise choice (poverty, Tyranny)


Canon Law

The official body of rules (canons) that provide for good order in the catholic church.



Morally responsible for an evil actions. Culpability assumes sufficient awareness and (internal) consent to evil being done. it is identified wit formal guilt or sin


What are the prime authorities on the objection norms that determine the morality of actions

10 commandments/ decalogue, beatitudes, Jesus's teachings


internal Freedom

Freedom from interior factory that limits your free choices (fear, addictions, emotional hinderences)


Precents of the church

The 5 positive laws that bind the catholics to the church and help them grow in holiness and charity

1. attend mas on Sundays and holy days of obligation

2. confess your sins at least once a month

3. receive the eucharist at least during easter season

4. observe days of fasting and abstinence

5. provide for the needs of the Church


Social Sin

A cycle of sin, violence, and injustice cause by individual sins, often leading to structures of sin in society.


Remember Laws from Hidden figures

Jim crow laws, Bathroom laws, ETC