All things Strain
Control Theory
Other theory questions
Paradigms Cont'd

What is the explanation Strain Theory provides for the existence of deviance?

deviance usually results because there is a gap between culturally desirable goals (wealth, beauty), and a legitimate way to obtain them; therefore, there is nonconformity


What is the explanation Control Theory provides for the existence of deviance?

deviance is the result of strong bonds missing/believe social bonds control the behavior of people because people don’t want to lose face with other group or society members


What is the explanation Social Disorganization Theory provides for the existence of deviance?

the lack of clear values or social control in the place where people live will influence the individual’s behavior, and this may lead them to crimes


What are the three paradigms used in Sociology?

Functionalist, Conflict, Symbolic Interactionism


Explain the Symbolic Interactionist perspective on deviance.

believes deviance is transmitted through socialization in the same way that nondeviant behavior is learned


when a society or group’s norms are weak, conflicting, unclear or absent/leads to disorganization within the society



According to Control Theory, social bonds detail the likelihood of what?



What is the explanation Differential Association Theory provides for the existence of deviance?

primary groups are responsible for transmitting deviance–deviance is learned just like all other social norms and practices.


Explain the Functionalist perspective on deviance

emphasizes the necessity for some deviance as being important for the smooth operation of society


Explain the Conflict perspective on deviance.

believes deviance is merely the result of those in control feeling threatened and therefore use their positions to determine which acts should be punished. In this view, deviance is defined when someone’s beliefs challenge the economic, political or social advantage of others, threaten the stability of a willing workforce, when private property is put at risk, authority is threatened or opposed , etc


refers to the use of new solutions to improve the welfare and wellbeing of individuals and communities-but also refers to deviant solutions to strain

social innovation


Name any 2 of the 4 elements of social bonds

1. Attachment

2. Commitment 

3. Involvement

4. Belief 


Explain Labeling Theory

deviance is always a matter of social definition–it is not the quality of the act itself but the decision of one group to label others as outsiders and then creating rules and sanctions to affirm this


According to Functionalists, there are both positive and negatives to deviance. List two negatives as they define them.

The negatives of deviance are the erosion of trust, the potential for deviance to spread, and it can be expensive to deal with (time and money).


Give an example of a theory on deviance that aligns to the Conflict paradigm

feminist theory/race theory


List the 4 deviant responses to strain

1. innovation 

2. ritualism 

3. retreatism 

4. rebellion 


Identify the relationship between attachment and conformity and involvement and conformity

Attachment (stronger your attachment to the people and groups you are with, the more likely you will conform)

Involvement (the more you are able to participate in the group and activities, the more likely you are to conform)


What are the three factors that Differential Association Theory identifies as affecting the likelihood of an individual becoming deviant?

ratio of deviant to nondeviant people (positive correlation)

whether the behavior is practiced by significant others (closer=high likelihood)

the age of exposure (younger=increased likelihood)


According to Functionalists, there are both positive and negatives to deviance. List two positives as they define them.

 The positives of deviance are that it clarifies norms and values, relieves the stress of conformity in usually minor ways, and it increases unity within society or groups.


List the three theories on deviance that align with the Functionalist paradigm

-Strain theory

-Social Disorganization theory

-Cultural Deviance theory


explain the difference between innovation and ritualism and retreatism and rebellion

1. innovation (accept the goals, but find new ways to obtain the goals of society-crime)

2. ritualism (reject goal but continue the legitimate means-quiet quitting)

3. retreatism (both the goals and means are rejected and no goals are replaced-drug addicts)

4. rebellion (reject goals and means for achieving them but replace the goals with something else


Identify the relationship between commitment and conformity and belief and conformity--be sure to be clear about the difference

Commitment (the more committed you are to the goals of the group, the more likely you are to conform)

Belief (your agreement and shared perspective on the norms and values of the group or society increases the likelihood that you will conform)


What is the explanation Cultural Deviance Theory provides for the existence of deviance and how is it different from Social Disorganization Theory?

crime is correlated strongly to the cultural values and norms prevalent in a society. Individuals may turn to crime because they are influenced by the place they live, the people they are surrounded by, and the socio-economic conditions of their micro-environment--lists 6 factors (focal concerns) prevalent in lower income pop.

began as the social disorganization theory but then significant additions to added so the two are separate


This is the DAILY DOUBLE......Everyone plays

using a piece of paper, write down what is represented by each of the following:

1. Joe doesn’t steal because he believes it is wrong–this is an example of…

2. Joe is so concerned about not doing anything wrong that he is paralyzed to leave his house–this is an example of…

3. Joe went to the store and stole a shirt-this was the only time he did this

4. Joe has led a life of crime and constantly robs, steals, and shoplifts

5. Joe doesn’t steal because he is afraid of the punishment he might receive-this is an example of

1. internal social control

2. positive deviance

3. primary deviance

4. secondary deviance

5. deterrence


List the three theories on deviance that align to the Symbolic Interactionist paradigm

-Labeling theory

-Differential association theory

-Control theory