Major Contributors
Rational Emotive Therapy
Cognitive Therapy
Cognitive Behavior Modification
Who was the founder of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy
Who is Albert Ellis
Define Cognitive homework
What is making a lists of problems, look for absolutist beliefs and then dispute. Risk taking situations that will challenge self limiting behavior.
What is the ABC Framework
What is existence of a fact or activating event, emotional and behavioral consequence, person's beliefs about A
Beck developed his approach as a result of his research on _____________
What is depression
Define cognitive behavior modification
What is changing the clients self verbalizations
Who is the founder of Cognitive Therapy
Who is Aaron Beck
What emotive technique helps clients to not take themselves to seriously
What is use of humor
Musts, and shoulds are indicative of what kind of belief
What is irrational
Define automatic thoughts
What is personalized notions or ideals triggered by stimuli so an event or situation leading to emotional responses
Meichenbaum helps clients become aware of _____________
What is self-talk, and the stories they tell about themselves
Who is the founder of Cognitive Behavior Modification
Who is Donald Meichenbaum
What is cognitive restructuring
What is replacing irrational beliefs with rational beliefs
REBT assists clients in __________________________
What is achieving unconditional self acceptance and unconditional other acceptance
What is the term for faulty thinking and misconceptions
What is cognitive distortions
What are the three phases in Meichenbaum's cognitive behavior modification
What is Phase 1: Self Observation - observing your own behavior Phase 2: Starting a new internal dialogue - initiate a new behavior chain Phase 3: Learning new skills: Helping clients interrupt the downward spiral of thinking feeling and behaving
Who opened the nonprofit Beck Institute for Cognitive Therapy
Who is Judith Beck
What is the focus of cognitive techniques
What is identify and examine, explore the origin, and modify
What would steps D,E, and F be in the framework
What is disputing beliefs, effective philosophy or belief system, a new set of feelings
Name two examples of cognitive distortion
What is arbitrary inferences, selective abstraction, overgeneralization, magnification/minimization, personalization, labeling/mislabeling, dichotomous thinking
Name one coping statement example of stress inoculation
What is How can I prepare, How can I confront, How can I cope, How can I make reinforcing self-statements
Who is the grandfather of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Who is Albert Ellis
What techniques would you put in your handy dandy counselor tool bag or NOT
What is .....
What is the role of the therapist
What is disputing irrational beliefs, encouraging clients to engage in activities that will counter self-defeating beliefs. Demonstrate how clients are keeping emotional disturbances active. Helping clients modify thinking and minimize irrational ideas.
What is at least one difference between CT and REBT
What is REBT focuses more on teaching, highly directive. Cognitive Theory uses the socratic method, open questions. Ellis = irrational and nonfunctional beliefs Beck = inaccurate, encourages clients to test the behavior for accuracy
What do REBT, CT, and CBM have in common
What is changing a thought process, modifying and changing the irrational behavior, altering self-talk