Style Theory
Situational Leadership
Path-Goal Theory
Define it
Fill in the Blank

This is another name for Style Theory

What is behavioral Theory


Situational Leadership is not considered a theory but is considered a _______

What is a Model


True or False: Path-Goal theory do not take into account subordinates characteristics and Job characteristics?

What is False


This theory focuses on how leaders behave instead of their traits

What is Style Theory


Theories of _________ and effectiveness emphasize the relationship between leader behaviors and task accomplishment

What is Production


Style Theory evolved from this theory

What is Trait Theory


This Leadership style is associated with high directive and supportive behaviors and pairs well with the Disillusioned learner follower level

What is Coaching


This is the primary goal of Path-Goal Theory

What is removing obstacles and aligning leadership styles to subordinates' needs


This model is known for being straightforward but complicated due to having many versions

What is Situational Leadership


Leaders’ behaviors fall along two continua: supportive and ______

What is Directive


The research conducted on Style Theory from the 1950s to 1980s resulted in these 3 meta-categories

What is Task, relational, and change-oriented behaviors


This level of follower development is associated with moderate to high competence and variable commitment

What is Capable but Cautious contributor


Path-Goal Theory is based on this motivation theory, which emphasizes the role of rewards in shaping behavior

What is Expectancy Theory


This tool examines the consequences of the environment and demonstrates an unhealthy focus on production or engages in practices that dehumanize and alienate workers

What is The Tool of Commodification


_______ is described as “the extent to which a person has mastered the skills necessary for the task at hand and has developed a positive attitude toward the task” 

What is development


Blake & Mouton made the case that this leadership style is the "one best way to lead"

What is Sound/Team


The leaders style should progress over time from _______ through coaching and ______ to delegating as much as possible 

What is directing, supporting


This leadership style focuses on setting high goals and encouraging employees to achieve peak performance

What is achievement-oriented leadership


The changing of the name from Management Grid to Leadership Grid is an example of this type of commodification

What is Theory Flipper


_______ reflects both the confidence individuals have that they can complete the task effectively without significant oversight and their degree of interest and enthusiasm for the task 

What is commitment


These 2 universities produced the most important research on Style Theory in the 1950s and 1960s

What is the University of Michigan and The Ohio State University



These authors co-developed the situational leadership model before separating.

Bonus: Who is known for each theory?

What is Hersey and Blanchard

Hersey: Situational Leadership Model

Blanchard: Situational Leadership Model 2


Path-goal theory take into account two types of situational factors that influence motivation. What are those factors

What is subordinate characteristics and Characteristics of the job and environment


This theory despite being disproven or lacking relevance in a contemporary context continues to be animated by the leadership industry

What is Zombie Theory


When considering the historical relevance of production theories, it is important to balance both their historical contributions and their _______ 

What is Fatal Flaws