Who developed Strategic Family Therapy?
Jay Haley
Who developed Structural Family Therapy?
Salvador Minuchin
Who developed Bowen Family Therapy?
Murray Bowen
Who developed Object Relations Therapy?
Melanie Klein, Donald Winnicott, and Ronald Fairbairn
This theory uses a graphic _____ of a family, that discusses history, relationships, psychology, and patterns. What is the graphic and the theory?
Genogram; Bowen Family Therapy
Telling a client to do more of the same behavior is an example of what kind of intervention.
Paradoxical Intervention
What is the term used, when therapists attempt to understand the family's rule, structure, and patterns?
A form of manipulation where family members are pitted against one another, or a couple may involve their child in their dyadic conflict.
When individuals separate objects into "good" or "bad" parts.
This theory has been criticized for being manipulative, and certain techniques used, should be done with caution.
Strategic Family Therapy
What is the process where therapists, get to know the family members, show their support for them, and sets expectations.
What are the invisible set of functional demands to how a family operates and organizes the family structure?
"Chronic anxiety increases, as this level of _______ decreases"
Fairburn believed that people are "___"-seeking beings.
The theorist of this theory believed the more family members included in the treatment room, including extended family, the better.
Who and What theory?
Minuchin; Structural Family Therapy
An additional technique of Strategic Family Therapy: What is it called when therapists provide direct instructions on what and how to change?
What is the process where therapists, get to know the family members, show their support for them, and sets expectations.
What is a a communication technique that emphasizes the emotions of the speaker rather than the attributes of the other person?
"I Statements"
What theory is similar to Object Relations Therapy, that emphasizes the caregiver relationship.
Attachment Theory
According to this theoretical approach, "the meaning we attribute to situations, determines whether a problem exists".
Strategic Family Therapy
Name three techniques Strategic Family Therapist use, to restructure the family.
Unbalancing, Reframing, Assigning Taks, Enacting transactional patterns, Assigning tasks, Escalating stress, Manipulating space, Recreating communication channels
What are three distinct subsystems that require boundaries between generations?
Parent, Spousal, Siblings
Therapist Role:
Therapists take a ________ approach to help individuals change themselves within the family context.
The object relations emphasized the internalized relationship between self and others (objects). What are the three mental representations.
1. The object as perceived by the Self.
2. The Self in relation to the object.
3. The relationship between Self and object.
This theory helps the individual identify the "shades of gray" in themselves and others.
Object Relations Therapy