Erik Erikson
Maria Montessori
Ivan Pavlov
Lawrence Kohlberg
Urie Bronfenbrenner

What was Erik Erikson's theory?

People go through the stages of development based on how they adjust to social crises throughout their lives 

What did Maria Montessori start? 

The Montessori schools which are hands on schools


What was Ivan Pavlov's theory? 

Classical Conditioning, means that behaviors are learned by connecting a neutral stimulus to a positive one, example, ringing a bell, a dog thinks he's getting food


What is Lawrence Kohlberg's theory?

That there is a thinking process where someone decides whether something is right or wrong

What was Urie Bronfenbrenner's theory

The environment you grow up in shapes who you are as a person

What were Erik Erikson's 8 stages of development? 

Infancy, from birth to 18 months, Trust vs Mistrust

Early childhood, from 2-3 years, Autonomy vs Shame and Doubt

Preschool, 3-5 years, Initiative vs Guilt

School age, 6-11 years, Industry vs Inferiority

Adolescence, 12 to 18 years, Identity vs Role confusion

Young adulthood, 19-40 years, Intimacy vs Isolation

Middle adulthood, 40-65 years, Generativity vs Stagnation

Maturity, 65 years-death, Ego Integrity vs Despair


How did Maria Montessori start off working with children?

In asylums working with disabled children


What were Ivan Pavlov's principles of his theory?

Acquisition, extinction, spontaneous recovery, stimulus generalization, and stimulus discrimination


What are Lawrence Kohlberg's 6 stages?

Blind egoism, Instrumental Egoism, Social Relationships perspective, Social Systems perspective, Contractual perspective, Mutual respect as a universal principle


What did Urie Bronfenbrenner's theory focus on the most? 

the correlation with environment and human development


What principle was Erikson's theory based on? 

The epigenetic principle, which suggests that people grow over time different from everyone else

What was Maria Montessori's theory? 
Children need to learn from self paced learning and individualized instruction 

How is Ivan Pavlov's theory best remembered? 

The dog and bell experiment


How did Lawrence Kohlberg discover his theory? 

Presenting to people in each socioeconomic class, would it be ok for a poor man to steal medicine for his dying wife?


How did Urie Bronfenbrenner change child development?

He made the program Head Start, helping children with early development and disabilities


What is Erikson's theory called? 

Psychosocial Development


What were Maria Montessori's five principles? 

Respect for the children, absorbent mind, sensitive periods, the prepared environment, and auto education


How did Ivan Pavlov discover his theory? 

He accidentally discovered it when conducting research on the digestion of dogs when he noticed that dogs salivated when food was put in front of them

What was Lawrence Kohlberg's contribution to psychology? 
The study of moral development in children

How has Bronfenbrenner's theory changed education?

Teachers become more understanding of what happens at home, Example: A kid doesn't have anything to eat at home, he can't focus in school because he's hungry


What was Erikson the first to do? 

The first to say that children aren't biological organisms, but instead products of society's expectations, prejudices, and prohibitions


What was Maria Montessori's contribution to child development?

Starting the first hands on school


What age group is most effected by Pavlov's theory? 

Teens ages 13-18

How did Lawrence Kohlberg change teaching? 

Teachers promote moral action by having students reflect their moral reasoning and the moral reasoning of others 


What are Urie Bronfenbrenner's 5 main points of his theory? 

microsystem (relationships with your immediate surroundings), mesosystem (, exosystem, macrosystem, and chronosystem