The Non-disease-producing bacteria; they are harmless and can be very beneficial.
What is Nonpathogenic Bacteria
The position of the body while standing, sitting and moving.
What is Posture
The A patch of flat, red skin discoloration; color changes with age to a darker red or purple and can thicken, forming small lumps.
What is Port-Wine Stain
The atrophy or wasting away of the nail.
What is Onychatrophia
The type of wax frequently used in hand and foot services.
What is Paraffin Wax
The Contagious, chronic condition characterized by a single vesicle or a group of vesicles on a red, swollen base; presents in the form of cold sores on the face (HSV-1) or the genital region (HSV-2).
What is Herpes Simplex Virus 1, 2 (HSV-1) (HSV-2)
The condition that occurs when tendons get inflamed.
What is Tendonitis
The controlled by the nervous system of the body; each gland consists of a coiled base and tube-like duct opening on the surface of the skin to form sweat pore; control and regulate body temperatures; excrete waste products; help to maintain the acidic pH factor of the skin.
What is Sudoriferous Glands
The fold of skin at the base above the nail plate; extends from the first joint of the finger to the visible nail plate, back under the skin, to the nail matrix.
What is Proximal Nail Fold (PNF)
The product containing a chemical to soften and loosen cuticle tissue; enables the cuticle to be easily removed from the nail plate.
What is Cuticle Remover
The Pre-existing reason that may prevent or restrict a service; may present as a medical condition, medications used or visual signs.
The ability of a substance or object to spring back; the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties; toughness.
What is Resilience
The keratoma; thickening of the epidermis to protect the hands and feet from friction or pressure; causes the skin to develop corns or calluses.
What is Hyperkeratosis
The group of monomers that bond together to create larger, more complex compounds.
What is Polymer
The cosmetic care of the hands and fingernails; the Latin word “manus” means hand and “cura” means care.
What is Manicure
The bloodborne pathogen transmitted from person to person through blood or body fluids that cause highly infectious diseases affecting the liver.
What is Hepatitis B Virus (HBV)
The Repetitive motions that can cause pain, fatigue and sometimes serious injury that develops slowly over a long time in various parts of the body.
What is Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI)
The glands that filter out toxic substances, like bacteria.
What is Lymph Nodes
The number of times an electric file (e-file) bit completes a rotation each minute.
What is Revolutions per Minute (RPM)
The product applied to the feet before examining and placing them in the pedicure basin; contains an antifungal agent and mild antiseptic.
What is Foot Sanitizer Spray
The type of highly organized bacterial plaque (sticky slime) that is created when a bacterial colony and water are present.
What is Biofilm
The nearness of another to one’s personal space.
What is Proximity
The pigmented packets that contain melanin; produced by melanocytes.
What is Melanosomes
The ingrown nails; causes include environmental or poor nail trimming practices; can become infected.
What is Onychocryptosis
The thin, wooden stick with a flat or pointed end; used to loosen cuticle, push back KPNF, clean under the free edge, remove polish from the skin or pick up and apply gems/rhinestones.
What is Orangewood Stick