Chapters 2 and 3
Chapters 4 and 5
Chapters 7 and 8
Chapters 9 and 10
Chapters 11 and 12

People who word in the criminal justice system and establish the "going rate"?

The Courtroom Work Group


_____________ included all the males born in Philadelphia in 1945 and traced their delinquency careers through their eighteenth birthday in 1963.

Wolfgang Cohort Study


___________________is a negotiated plea of guilty by the defendant, typically in return for some concession on the part of the prosector. 

Plea Bargaining


__________________ forbid an offender from having any contact with the victim. Commonly used in domestic conflict situations and are designed to both prevent repeat assaults and provide assurance and security to victims. 

Protection Orders (Restraining Orders)


___________________ is any planned intervention that reduces an offender's further criminal activity. 



The two attitudes that dominate thinking about the administration of crime justice are?

The Old Idealism and the New Cynicism


_________________ sought to develop a prediction instrument that would identify violent recidivists (i.e. to successfully predict future criminal behavior). 

The Wenk Study


______________ is the imprisoning of only the most serious repeat offenders so as to not increase the prison population, but would also reduce crime. 

Selective Incapacitation


In _____________________ the U.S. Supreme Court affirmed that the Second Amendment to the Constitution guaranteed the right to individuals to own guns. 

Heller v. District of Columbia


______________________ stated, "with few and isolated exceptions the rehabilitative efforts that have been reported so far have had no appreciable effect on rehabiliation. Interpreted as "nothing works". 

Robert Martinson


Established by Barry Scheck and Peter Neufeld to provide legal assistance to convicted offenders on DNA issues. 

The Innocence Project


_____________ was a response to a serious upsurge in gun violence in Boston in the late 1980s, particulary among young African American males. 

The Boston Gun Project


The most radical approach to mandatory sentencing is ____________________.

Three-Strikes Laws


_____________________ requires background checks and a one-week waiting period for all handgun purchases. 

The 1994 Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act (Brady Act)


_________________ is the second-most prevalent rehabilitation program. 



The ___________________is defined as the standard and predictable punishment for a particular crime. 

The Going Rate 


__________________ sought to test whether varying the level of police patrol had any impact on crime. 

The Kansas City Experiment


_____________________became the model for harsh sentencing laws across the country, putting a special emphasis on mandatory prison sentences as a method of achieving incapitation. 

The 1973 Rockefeller Drug Law 


Aside from women identify three other special populations of crime victims. 

1) People with Disabilities

2) Juvenile Runaways and Thrown-aways

3) Elderly Persons


_____________________ is the process by which more people are brought under some form of social control through the criminal justice system. 

Net Widening

What is each layer of the wedding cake include?

Layer 1: Celebrated Cases

Layer 2: Serious Felonies (Rape/Robbery)

Layer 3: Serious Felonies (Burglary/Larceny)

Layer 4: Misdemeanors


Every offender has a ________________ while ______________ is the person with a long history of criminal activity. 

Criminal Careers

Career Criminals


_________________ is a device to challenge the detention of a person taken into custody. A person under arrest or in prison may demand an evidentiary hearing before a judge to examine the legality of the detention. 

Writ of Habeas Corpus


______________ sees guns as the problem and seeks to reduce their availability by banning guns, or at least some kinds of guns, or restricting who can own them, while _______________ focuses on gun offenders and seeks to reduce their the desire to own/use guns through tough punishment. 

Supply Reduction

Demand Reduction


With respect to criminal justice, the concept of _______________ holds that people's satisfaction with the system depends heavily on how they feel they are treated by it. The underlying principle is _______________which is shaped by direct encounters between citizens and the police and other criminal justice officials. 

Procedural Justice
