Inductors and Capacitors in Circuits #1
Inductors and Capacitors in Circuits #2
Principles of AC Circuits
Power Relationships #1
Power Relationships #2

How many time constants does it take for an inductor to reach maximum steady state value of current?



By what percentage does capacitor voltage increase every time constant when a constant voltage is applied to it?



The iron losses in an AC circuit are made up of what 2 elements

Eddy currents and hysteresis effects


What is the definition of power?

The rate at which work is being done OR the rate at which energy is converted from one form to another

eg. when heat, light or mechanical motion is being produced


A resistor is doing 6000W of work when connected to a 120V AC. What is the current flowing through the circuit?

I = P/V = 6000/120 = 50A


What is the formula to calculate a time constant for an inductor?

T = L/R


What is the formula to calculate a time constant for an capacitor?

T = RC


What 3 factors affect impedance?

Resistance, inductive reactance, capacitive reactance


Name 2 other terms that can be used when referring to real power

Active power, in-phase power, true power, power


What are the 3 types of power in an inductive circuit?

True power, reactive power, apparent power


What device can be connected in an inductive circuit to mitigate damage due to voltage spikes when the circuit is opened?

Discharge resistor


What is the phase relationship between I and V in a capacitor?

I LEADS V by 90 degrees


You are given a right angle triangle. The opposite and adjacent sides measure 6 and 8. What is the length of the hypotenuse?

6^2 + 8^2 = 36 + 64 = 100

Square root of 100 = 10


In what type of field is reactor power due to inductance stored?



In what type of field is reactor power due to capacitance stored?



What is the phase relationship between I and V in an inductor?

I LAGS V by 90 degrees


What do the open and closed arrowheads represent in a phasor diagram?

Closed - current

Open - voltage


In what 2 forms can phasors be expressed?

Polar form eg. 5V @ 36.9 degs

Rectangular form eg. (4V, 3V)


What is the relationship between power factor and theta?

PF = cos theta


If the VARS of a motor is greater than its power dissipation, would the PF be greater or less than 0.707?

Less since theta is more than 45 degrees


What is the inductive reactance of a 450mH coil if it is connected to a 100Hz supply?

2(pi)(f)(L) = 2(3.14)(100)(0.45) = 282.74 ohms


What value of capacitor has a capacitive reactance of 10 ohms when connected to a 60Hz supply?

C = 1/[2(pi)(f)(Xc)] = 1/[2(3.14)(60)(10)]

= 0.000265F OR 265 uF


Describe the steps you would take to add 2 phasors

Break each phasor into X and Y components. Add the X components together and the Y components together. With the cumulative X and Y values, calculate the new resultant phasor using Pythagoras.


A coil is connected to an AC supply and has a resistive volt drop of 65V while the reactive volt drop is 40V. What is the applied voltage and the phase angle in degrees.

Pythagoras - applied voltage is 76.32V

Theta = 31.61 degrees


A single-phase motor is operating on a 240VAC circuit. When the motor is fully loaded, it draws a current of 3.2A at a PF of 0.8 lag. Calculate S, P and Q.

S = E x I = 240x3.2 = 768 VA

P = S x PF = 768 x 0.8 = 614.4 W

Q^2 = S^2 - P^2 = 460.8 VAR