Lloyd H. Lofquist & Rene V. Dawis
Who are the individuals that created the Theory of Work Adjustment
That certain tasks be performed and that the individual brings skills to sufficiently perform them to the best of their ability
What does the work environment require of the employee
Adequate compensation for their performance and certain preferred conditions
What does the employee require from the employer
They must meet each others requirements on admirable terms
Correspondence between employer and employee requires what for interaction to be maintained
Helping to manage internal and external workplace pressures
What does it mean to provide support for employees
University of Minnesota
What was the academic location where the Theory of Work Adjustment was developed
Structure and style variables measured on the same dimensions
How can the work environment and work personalities best be described
The amount of disharmony an employee is willing to tolerate at the workplace before initiating a behavioral adjustment
A collaborative process and a more interesting workplace
When an employee has creative ideas to improve the employers' output and they respond by implementing these creative ideas
Achievement Motivation
Employers who have what type of relationships with employees help foster engagement, increase productivity, and reduce tension in the workplace
In what year was the Theory of Work Adjustment conceived
The employee will begin to consider options such as searching for new employment consideration that matches their needs
When an employer expects too much from an employee or they become bored or uninspired and reach a threshold
The tendency of the employee to act on the employer to make changes in the work environment is known as
Achieving and maintaining correspondence between the employer and employees
What is the process of work adjustment
Employee recognition
A method to ensure the retention of quality employees
Vocational Psychology
The Theory of Work Adjustment was designed to be applied to what type of research
Additional training, re-evaluation, termination
If the expected task of the employee are not completed to the outlined expectations and standards how will the employer respond
The employees' inclination to react to the employer by making personal changes to reduce discord is considered
The mutual satisfaction of both the employee and the work environment with the workplace and performance respectively
In what manner is work adjustment indicated
Employees will feel more valued and have increased confidence and self-esteem when what trait is fostered
The satisfaction and needs of employees and employers and how stimuli within the job atmosphere affect the way they react to one another
The relationship premise of the Theory of Work Adjustment
Strong & Healthy
Studies show that employers who have what type of relationships with their employees benefit the entire company
The duration of time the employee will continue to adjust their behavior prior to giving up and leaving their position is known as
Tenured position
A principal indicator of the employers' satisfaction with the performance of a professor in the academic arena
Safe and positive work environment
What can influence interpersonal relationships, employee motivation, and team cohesion