This accidental raises a note by a half step
The order of sharps in a key signature
This key signature has 3 flats
E flat major
This minor key signature has 2 flats
G minor
The order of flats in a key signature
This key signature has one sharp
G major
This minor key signature has one sharp
E minor
This accidental cancels out any sharp or flat that has been applied to a note
In a key signature with sharps, I am looking for this sharp to identify what key I am in. I do this action to it once I have found the correct one.
The last sharp; raise it by a half step
This key signature has 5 flats
D flat major
This minor key signature has no sharps or flats
A minor
A symbol that affects a note by raising or lowering it by a half step.
In a key signature with flats, I am looking for this to identify which key I am in.
The second to last flat
This key signature has 3 sharps
A major
This minor key signature has 4 flats
F minor
An accidental at the beginning of a measure of music lasts for how long?
Until the end of the measure
Which two key signatures have no identifying factor. One has no sharps and no flats; the other has one flat
C and F major
This key signature has 5 sharps
B major
This minor key signature has 4 sharps
C sharp minor