The nurse notes the client experienced a temporary cessation of breathing while sleeping. The term for this would be?
What is apnea
A respiratory pattern characterized by initially slow, shallow respirations increasing in rapidity and depth, followed by a gradual decrease until respiration stops for 10 to 20 seconds, which then repeats itself is called?
What is Cheyne-Stokes respirations
What do the alveoli and the alveolar duct resemble?
What is a cluster of grapes
The nurse is aware that the movement of gases into and out of the lung is called:
What is ventilation
A client has just returned to the nursing unit following a cardiac catheterization. The catheter was placed in the right femoral artery. The test was uneventful. Which instruction should the nurse include on the nursing care plan.
What is keep the client on bed rest for 6 hours.
Labored or difficult breathing is?
What is dyspnea
What breath sounds are heard over the sternum and last longer during expiration than during inspiration?
What is bronchial
____ __________ takes place in the alveoli.
What is gas exchange
Exchange of gases at the cellular level between tissue cells and blood is an example of:
What is internal respiration
When the nurse assesses the function that provides the body with a means of gas exchange, it includes an evaluation of:
What is respiration
The term for an insufficient amount of oxygen in the blood is?
What is hypoxemia
Which breath sounds are heard over most of the lungs, which are soft and low in pitch and may be inaudible on expiration?
What is vesicular
What is the function of type I alveolar cells?
What is production of surfactant
When administering oxygen to clients with conditions such as emphysema, it is important for the nurse to remember that for these clients the drive to breath may be dependent on _____ levels of oxygen in the blood
What is low
What is the transparent membrane covering the lungs?
What is pleura
The nurse notes the client has bluish, grayish, and purplish discolorations of the skin. The nurse documents this as?
What is cyanosis
The nurse is aware that coarse crackles, sonorous and sibilant wheezes, pleural friction rub, and stridor are examples of which type of breath sounds?
What is adventitious breath sounds
What is the movement of gases across the alveolar capillary membrane from areas of high concentration to areas of lower concentration called?
What is diffusion
What is the mechanism of gas exchange at the alveolar capillary membrane?
What is diffusion
The pressure within the pleural space is greater than ourside air. True or false
What is false
The nurse is caring for a client experiencing a respiratory pattern characterized by irregular periods of increased rate and depth of respiration. The nurse notes this in the clients record as:
What is Kussmaul's respirations
Upon auscultation of breath sounds, a nurse hears popping noises on inspiration and expirations. The sounds are indicative of which of these conditions? a. obstruction due to secretions blocking the airway b. fluid accumulation in the lungs
What is (b) fluid accumulation in the lungs
The flow of blood through the vessels of a specific organ or body part is called:
What is perfusion
When blood within the pulmonary capillary network is oxygenated, it travels to the heart via which structure:
What is pulmonary vein
The result of the difference between the pressure within the pleural space and the pressure of the outside air is it prevents the lungs from collapsing on exalation. True or False
What is True