The History of Political Philosophy
International Relations
Political Science
Current Events

"I know that I know nothing" is a famous quote derived from this philosopher's speech.



This is the faction of the European Parliament with the highest number of seats.

(Hint: It's the same as during the last voting period)

European People's Party (EPP) - Centre-Right


These are the principal competencies/functions of presidents in parliamentary democracies. 

Symbolic, representative competencies


This is the thing Theo is the most grateful for in his journey to get his degree.

The support of his friends.


This is the author of the following question (its not me):

This tech giant announced layoffs affecting 10,000 employees in early 2023 due to economic downturns.



Who are the three authors of the Federalist Papers?

Bonus points if you know who wrote how many essays

Bonus bonus points if you know what pseudonym they signed their essays with

John Jay (5)

James Madison (29)

Alexander Hamilton (51)

Publius (a nod to Roman republicanism)


This event is usually regarded as THE mark of the start of the Cold War (by historians). 

Bonus points if you know what it was about.

I'll also count other events if they are close enough (there's a few)

Truman Doctrine

The Berlin Blockade (First Berlin Crisis)

Marshall Plan

The Division of Germany

Communists taking power in Poland, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria in 47, and in Czechoslovakia in 48


This is a governmental system characterized by a total mobilization of citizens, an overarching ideology, repression and terror.

Totalitarian system


The soundtrack of this series greatly helped Theo finish his thesis and prepare for the state exam.


(LotR also)

(Also also Guts theme with thunderstorm sounds in the background, but none of you know this)


This is the absolute state of the gaming industry.

Horrible, terrible, bad, atrocious, ugly, repulsive, disgusting, broken, horrid, abhorrent, despicable, loathsome, disastrous, disturbing, dreadful, ghastly, horrendous, appaling


This is the main concern/subject of scrutiny for the Frankfurt School of Critical Theory.

Bonus points if you can name any philosophers who are a part of it.

Marxism/Neomarxism, critique of capitalism

(Horkheimer, Habermas, Marcuse..)


This body of the European Union has the right of initiative in the legislative process. (= they propose bills/laws to be passed)

European Comission


This is the system of government that France is classified as. (Be as specific as possible)

(I won't accept democracy, that's too easy.)

Semi-presidential republic


This is the topic that Theo wrote his thesis on. 

Humanitarian NGOs conducting search-and-rescue operations in the Mediterranean and their impact on international norms.


Seeing the election results for the European Parliament, French President Emmanuel Macron did this.

Dissolved the National Assembly and called for a snap election


Karl Marx is mainly inspired by this German classical philosopher's political thought.

Hegel (Kant or Fichte also works, but its mainly Hegel)


This is the year of the first United Nations Peacekeeping mission.

Bonus points if you know where it occurred.

(Don't buzz, DM me your answers. Closest guess wins!)

1948 - Izrael


This is the act of political manipulation of electoral district boundaries with the intent to create undue advantage for a party, group, or socioeconomic class within the constituency.

Bonus points if you know in which country this phenomenon is largely present.



This is one of the three main subjects in Theo's degree that he hated the most throughout, but he preferred it when preparing for the State Exam, doing a complete 180.

History of Political Philosophy


This country recently elected their first woman president.

Mexico - Claudia Sheinbaum


These two philosophers are mainly concerned with the concept of Tyranny of Majority (1 is good enough)

Bonus points if you name any ways to prevent/combat Tyranny of Majority

J. S. Mill & Alexis de Tocqueville (Adams, Jefferson sparsely)

Democratic discussion, by protecting creativity, spontaneity, individuality (Mill)
Checks and Balances, Decentralization, Lawyers, Politically Active Citizenry + Intermediary Institutions


These are the three main levels of analysis in International Relations.

The Individual
The State
The International System


Please explain the principle of Checks and Balances.

Each of the branches of the state should have the power to limit or check the other two, creating a balance between the three separate powers of the state. Each branch's efforts to prevent either of the other branches from becoming supreme form part of an eternal conflict, which leaves the people free from government abuses.


Wow, I'm flattered you would pick this question!

Have some points!



This was Donald Trump's opponent in the 2024 Republican Primaries.

Nikki Haley