Intro & Participation
Let's Play!
Montessori Method
Activity Benefits & Adaptations
Humor Therapy & Sensory Interventions

Definition of Therapeutic Activities 

A variety of common leisure pursuits (such as play, sports, games, etc) used by the CTRS to help produce a variety of outcomes across all domains.


Parallel Play

Children may play with the same materials and/or within close proximity to each other but are not playing with each other


Everything in the Montessori environment is designed to be _________ and _________ to clients.

inviting, encouraging 


List two possible physical benefits of participating in therapeutic activities. 

  • Decrease the occurrence of chronic health problems

  • Decrease risk of obesity

  • Increase lung capacity

  • Increase strength, flexibility and balance

  • Increase the likelihood of maintaining an active lifestyle

Describe one of the reasons to include sensory interventions in client treatment plans.

Promotes engagement in activities both in a structured therapy setting and outside of therapy 

Meaningful activities can stimulate a personal connection with the stimuli and encourage reminiscence


Leisure Repertoire 

The activities that a person feels s/he can do with competence. 


Choose and explain one of the four cognitive stages of play.

Sensorimotor/Functional - involves repetitive actions of already learned sensory or motor activities that result in enjoyment

Construction - the manipulation of objects with the intent of making something

Symbolic - using fantasy to change into different people, objects, or situations as evident by verbal expressions and motor movements 

Games with Rules - active involvement of two or more children in a competitive activity where the rules are agreed upon in advance 


Montessori interventions break activities down into steps that allow for continual challenge and mastery of skills. This characteristic makes them highly _______ to different levels. 



List two psychological benefits of participating in therapeutic activities. 

  • Increase self-efficacy

  • Decrease anxiety

  • Increase self esteem

  • Increase satisfaction

  • Enhanced internal locus of control

  • Defined sense of self and social identity


List two possible benefits from participation in humor interventions.

  • Decreases anxiety

  • Powerful coping mechanism

  • Decreases pain

  • Boosts immune system

  • Increases muscle flexion

  • Decreases depression 

  • Enhances memory

    • Allows the person to feel in control

    • Releases fears, anger, and stress

    • Improves quality of life

    • Releases endorphins

    • Lowers blood pressure

    • Aerobic


Balanced Leisure Lifestyle

Generally considered to be a state in which physical, mental, social and emotional well-being are all supported by the person’s leisure.


List three characteristics of play.

Intrinsic motivation, positive affect, free choice, fantasy, active engagement 


Name two of the therapeutic outcomes Montessori interventions help to bring about in clients with Dementia. 

Decreased agitation, increased engagement, greater positive affect, increased active participation 


List the three levels of physical activity. 

Recreational Sport, Competitive Sport, Elite Sport


Name two characteristics of effective sensory stimulation interventions.

  • Carefully chosen for therapeutic value

  • Able to be manipulated and experienced by the client 

  • Reflective of the personality of the client 

  • Personally meaningful 

  • Provided in a non-directive approach

  • Provided in small groups, in an appropriate environment 


Describe the difference between Attendance and Participation.

Participation - Measures the quality of the client's actions and the amount of effort that the client puts into an activity

Attendance - Defined as how many times or how often a client shows up for an activity 


Medical Play

A technique used with children to educate and increase coping with children who are faced with a medical experience such as surgery.

Name two Montessori activities appropriate for clients with Mild Dementia

Matching activities (including sorting); care of the person (including folding and hanging clothes); care of the environment (ex. Plant care, flower arranging, setting tables); fine motor activities (stringing beads, lacing, painting); squeezing activities (using a hole punch, tongs, garlic press, etc)


List two ways to adapt football to a group of participants with physical disabilities. 

Everyone on the same playing level, use flags instead of tackle, etc


Name two populations that would benefit from sensory integration interventions.

Autism, TBI, SPD, ID/DD, etc

Name three levels of Participation quantified in the Leisure Step Up Program. 

Levels -3 to 5: Need number and description for three 


Name the four types of Medical Play.

Role Rehearsal/Role Reversal, Medical Fantasy, Indirect Medical Play, Medical Art


Four principles of the Montessori Method

Choosing Materials, Choosing Activities, Progressions, Leading 


List the three general types of adaptations. 

Rule changes, adaptive equipment, changes to the environment

Name and describe three of the different types of humor.
  • Power Humor- This type assumes that people derive pleasure from feeling of mastery, control, or superiority. Laugh at another’s deformities or misfortune to establish feelings of power

  • Venting Humor-Derogatory and directed towards individuals in retaliation to overt displays of power. The purpose is to diminish value of the source of power

  • Make-Peace Humor- Use of witticism to divert hostility or tension

  • Social bonding humor-Used to seek connection with another person. Some people use safe clean jokes that gets polite laughs, others gamble with risky material that can cause a roar of approving laughter or offend.

  • Soften the edges humor- diminish the harshness and tragedies of the tough world that we feel powerless to help with. This is a form of coping with stress

  • Prank Humor- Allows the prankster and the “victim” a good memorable laugh. Intended to create an artificial level of tension within the recipient and then produces a change that creates relief.