Self Awareness
The Stress Model of Crisis
Knowing the Child
Techniques and Strategies

What am I feeling? What does the child feel, need or want? How is the environment affecting the student? How do I best respond?

What are the four questions we ask ourselves when addressing a crisis situation?


This is the highest level of recovery from a crisis situation.

What the Higher (Educateur) outcome?


Understanding how a young person's behaviors may be influenced by the shared beliefs or practices of their family group or religious affiliation is an example of this form of competence.

What is Cultural Competence?


These are the Non-verbal Techniques of Active Listening.

What are silence, nods, facial expression and eye contact?


This is the third step in an LSI.

What is Summarize (the feelings and content)?


"I can do this," "This isn't about me," and "I can help" are all examples of this.

What is positive self talk?


The stress level for children and young people who have not yet been triggered is indicated on the Stress Model of Crisis as this phase.

What is the Baseline or Pre-Crisis State?


Self-injury, running away, defiance, impulsive outbursts and traumatic re-enactment are all examples of this.

What is Trauma or Pain-Based Behavior?


"Put down the stick, John" is an example of this Behavior Support technique.

What is a Directive Statement?


This is a term used to describe any thing that makes a challenging behavior more or less likely to occur.

What is a Setting Condition?


Our personal _________ may affect how we respond to crisis, so it is important for us to reflect on and be aware of how it may influence the care we provide.

What is "culture" or "worldview" or "bias" or "values" or "beliefs".


Behavior in the Escalation Phase of the Stress Model of Crisis is characterized as this.

What is aggression?


In the 'Iceberg' diagram, "Behaviors" are above the surface of the water while these are hidden beneath the surface.

What are feelings and needs?

Providing immediate help and support to reduce emotional intensity, resolving the immediate crisis, and keeping the child in the program/activity are the three goals of this technique.
What is Emotional First Aid.

Youth exhibiting this type of aggression appear red-faced, emotionally flooded, and out of control.

What is Reactive Aggression?


Complete this quote: "When we are at our angriest, we are at our __________."

What is "stupidest"?


The Life Space Interview is best conducted when the young person is in this phase of the Stress Model of Crisis.

What is the Recovery Phase?


Information about a young person's known triggers, and how to help them at the different phases of crisis, can be found in this document.

What is the ICMP (Individual Crisis Management Plan)?


"You feel uncomfortable when your friends talk about school" is an example of this Active Listening technique.

What are Reflective Responses?


"When you feel like you are being treated unfairly, you lash out and try to break things" is an example of this step in the LSI.

What is "Connect (feelings to behaviour)?


Knowing your personal triggers and demonstrating self-regulation skills are two feelings-based components of this type of competence.

What is Emotional Competence?


An alternate model of crisis, where emotional arousal returns to near-baseline prior to the behavioral escalation, is used to depict this type of aggression.

What is proactive aggression?


Children and youth in crisis often exhibit an absence of these, and they are therefore one of the main teaching goals for the Life Space Interview.

What are Coping Skills?


Taking a deep breath, taking a step back, sitting down if appropriate, and giving the situation time are all non-verbal strategies of which technique?

Crisis Co-regulation


Situations in which restraint, while indicated, should be avoided?

What is when:

We cannot control the student safely

We are not in control or are too angry

Sexual stimulation is the motivation

We are in a public place

Student has a weapon

Student's medical condition prohibits it

Student has emotional problems risking retraumatization

Student is on medications that affects his/her system