
The nurse provides dietary teaching to a client with an elevated cholesterol level.  Which food choices indicate that teaching has been effective

A. Pecan pie with a scoop of vanilla ice cream

B. Grilled chicken breast and steamed broccoli

C. Prime rib of beef with mashed potatoes and gravy

D. Fried turkey leg with cesar salad

Grilled chicken breast and steamed broccoli


A client with hypertension (HTN) does not understand why eating homemade vegetable soup daily does not help to reduce their daily sodium intake. What additional information is most important for the nurse to obtain?

A. Time of day soup is eating

B. Number of portions of the soup the client consumes daily

C. If the vegetables used in the preparation of the soup are canned

D. The amount of water used to prepare the soup

If the vegetables used in the preparation of the soup are canned


The nurse is instructing a client with an iron deficiency on ways to improve the absorption of dietary intake.  What should the nurse include in these instructions

A. Take the iron supplement with coffee or tea

B. Eat something rich in vitamin C when eating a meal high in iron

C. Limit the intake of meat and poultry

D. Avoid beans and dried fruit.

Eat something rich in vitamin C when eating a meal high in iron


The nurse instructs the client, diagnosed with osteoporosis, on dietary interventions for the disorder.  Which client statement indicated that teaching is effective?

A. I will drink more water and eat more meat

B. I will use table salt

C. I will eat more fish with edible bones and green leafy veggies

D. I will eat more whole grains

I will eat more fish with edible bones and green leafy veggies


The nurse is instructing a client with chronic renal failure (CRF) on dietary changes. Which foods should the client be encouraged to include in the eating plan?

A. Oranges

B. Potatoes

C. Kiwi

D. Apples



The nurse is providing education about irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) flares to a client with a new diagnosis of IBS. Which meal selection by the client indicates an understanding for the IBS teaching?

A. Grilled chicken with steamed broccoli

B. Egg white omelet with a cup of black coffee

C. Bowl of oatmeal with strawberries and raspberries

D. Grilled cheese on white bread with potato chips

Bowl of oatmeal with strawberries and raspberries


The nurse is instructing a client with HTN on the DASH diet. Which client statement indicates that teaching has been effective?

A. I am to limit the intake of fruits after lunch

B. Eating low fat dairy products provide calcium and protein

C. Sweets can be eaten on weekends

D. Protein should be obtained by eating nuts and seeds and avoiding meat

Eating low fat dairy products provide calcium and protein


•The nurse observers that a client has loose teeth and swollen purple gums, petechiae on the skin and dry brittle hair that curls like a corkscrew. The nurse knows that these symptoms suggest which nutritional deficiency

A. A

B. B1

C. B3

D. C

Vitamin C (Scurvy)


A client is diagnosed with dysphagia.  Which intervention should the nurse include when planning the clients care

A. Mix pureed food together in one container

B. Offer the next bite of food prior to the current one being swallowed

C. Provide foods that are thickened

D. Elevated the HOB at 30 degrees for all meals.

Provide foods that are thickened


The nurse is teaching a client newly diagnosed with inflammatory bowel disease about nutritional choices.  What statement indicates that further teaching is required

A. I should decrease my intake for fruits and veggies during a flare of the disease

B. I should increase my intake of juice, sweets, and other high-calorie foods during a flare to prevent weight loss

C. I should increase my intake of protein following a flare

D. In between flares, I should eat much fiber but cut back during a flare.

I should increase my intake of juice, sweets, and other high-calorie foods during a flare to prevent weight loss


The nurse is caring for a client receiving chemotherapy who reports nausea, vomiting, and decreased appetite.  The client has lost 15kg since initiating chemotherapy. What interventions should the nurse include in the client’s care plan (SAA)

A. Encourage them to drink milkshakes or smoothies

B. Encourage them to eat small meals every 2 hours

C. Instruct to eat warm or hot foods during meals

D. Add butter, oils, cheese or high-calorie condiments to meals

E. Instruct to drink a full glass of milk or juice with each meal.

Encourage them to drink milkshakes or smoothies

Encourage them to eat small meals every 2 hours

Add butter, oils, cheese or high-calorie condiments to meals


What should the nurse recommend to a client with HTN regarding NA intake?

A. You can not add any salt when preparing foods

B. You should eat no more than 2300 mg of sodium per day

C. You should eat no more than 1 teaspoon of sodium per day

D. You should eat no more than 1500 mg of sodium per day

You should eat no more than 1500 mg of sodium per day


The nurse suspects that a middle-aged woman with conjunctival pallor, fatigue, and a faint heart murmur has anemia.  Which nutrient deficiency can cause anemia?

A. Iron

B. B9

C. B12

D. E

E. K






Which food choice is most appropriate for a client with hypertension

A. Tomato mozzarella salad

B. Bagel with cottage cheese

C. Vegetable burger with lettuce and tomato

D. Noodle soup with fresh vegetables

Tomato mozzarella salad


The nurse is caring for a vegetarian client with iron deficiency anemia.  Which food choice would be appropriate for this client?

A. Sauteed tofu with peas, legumes and cooked lentils

B. Egg white omelet with oven-roasted plum tomatoes and avocado

C. Greek yogurt with honey, toasted coconut and mango

D. Baked portobello mushrooms with sweet potato mash and glazed carrots

Sauteed tofu with peas, legumes and cooked lentils


The nurse is teaching a client with severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) about nutrition.  What meal is least suitable for this client?

A. Rack of lab, corn on the cob, brown rice

B. Ground beef, mashed potatoes, and creamed spinach

C. Chocolate peanut butter shake

D. Scrambled eggs, pureed carrots and soft-boiled potatoes.

Rack of lab, corn on the cob, brown rice


The nurse instructs the spouse of a client with HTN on ways to reduce the amount of sodium In the diet. Which statement indicates that additional teaching is needed?

A. Canned soups and vegetables should be avoided

B. Frozen vegetables contain high levels of sodium and should be avoided

C. Salting the water prior to boiling adds to the sodium content of the food

D. Meat and chicken should be broiled or baked with out any added salt during cooking.

Frozen vegetables contain high levels of sodium and should be avoided


An adolescent client is experiencing fatigue and feeling cold.  After assessing upward curved fingernails and glossitis, the nurse suspects the client is demonstrating signs of

A. Hyponatremia

B. Vitamin C deficiency

C. Iron deficiency

D. Peripheral vascular disease

Iron deficiency


The nurse instructs a client with hypertension (HTN) about salt intake. Which statements indicates that teaching has been effective

A. I use ketchup and soy sauce to flavor my food instead of table salt

B. When shopping I pick foods that are labeled reduced sodium

C. I try to pick sweets for snacks 

D. I go out to eat less often these days.

I go out to eat less often these days.


The nurse is teaching a client with a stage IV pressure ulcer about nutrition.  What food choices should be recommended for this client

A. Grapefruit, tomatoes, bell pepper, papaya fruit

B. Pumpkin seeds, liver, fortified cereals

C. Potatoes, dried apricots, mushrooms

D. Olives, rice, corn, figs

Grapefruit, tomatoes, bell pepper, papaya fruit


Which food choices should the nurse recommend to a client prescribed a full liquid diet while recovering from surgery?

(select all that apply)

A. Apple juice

B. Pudding

C. Broth

D. Cream of mushroom

E. Mashed potatoes

Apple juice



Cream of mushroom (with no chunks of mushroom)


What breakfast choices demonstrate that a client with hyperlipidemia understands the nutritional requirements to treat his health problem?

A. Breakfast cereal with low-fat milk, 3 slices of bacon and once slice of whole wheat toast

B. Croissant with cottage cheese and fresh berries

C. Egg white omelet with steamed asparagus and 2 slices of whole wheat toast

D. Scrambled eggs with hashbrowns and avocado tomato salad

Egg white omelet with steamed asparagus and 2 slices of whole wheat toast


The nurse is planning dietary needs for a client with a stage IV pressure ulcer. Which nutrients are priorities for the client? (SAA)





E.Vitamin C



Vitamin C


A client was recently diagnosed with cholelithiasis (gall stones).  Which statement made by the client indicates an understanding of your dietary teaching.

A. I will start eating whole fat yogurt with fruit every morning.

B. I should start using butter instead of olive oil.

C. I will try to avoid fried foods when possible.

D. I can eat scrambled eggs daily.

I will try to avoid fried foods when possible.


Your patient was recently diagnosed with renal failure and wants to know if there are any dietary changes that they need to make.  Which foods does the nurse instruct the patient to limit?

A. Bananas

B. Orange juice

C. Organ meats

D. Lentils

E. Bell peppers


Orange juice

Organ meats