Lung Expansion
Bronchial Hygiene
Aerosol Devices
Oxygen Administration
Oxygen Administration2

The best patient position for CHF.

What is Fowler's?


During this cough control technique, the therapist applies pressure to the patient's abdomen during exhalation. 

What is a quad cough?


This device is often used to help deliver MDI drugs to intubated patients and those with coordination difficulties.

What is a spacer or holding chamber?


This is the desired FiO2 for an emergency patient.

What is 100% FiO2?


This device is used to deliver 100% O2 in an emergency, but can also be used for mixed gas therapy (He/O2).

What is a Non-rebreather mask?


When a patient is lying on their spine, they are in this position.

What is supine?


The purpose of this therapy (with the addition of postural drainage) is to mechanically dislodge secretions.

What is chest percussion?


This humidifier can deliver 100% body humidity (44mg/L).

What is a Wick humidifier? 


This is the desired FiO2 range for a COPD patient.

What is 24-28% FiO2?

Also: 1-2L nasal cannula


This clear plastic device completely encloses the head of the infant to administer humidified oxygen.

What is an oxygen hood?


This is used for the prevention or treatment of atelectasis for patients that are willing and able to breathe spontaneously.

What is incentive spirometry?


Name a contraindication for chest percussion therapy.

Rib cage trauma, soft tissue trauma and hemoptysis, pulmonary hemorrhage, metastatic conditions, pulmonary emboli, pleural effusion, tuberculosis and untreated pneumothorax.


This is used to deliver bland aerosols to the upper airway to reduce the chances or edema or humidity deficit.

What is a large volume nebulizer (LVN)?


This is the desired therapeutic FIO2 range.

What is 30-60% FiO2?

This humidification system can heat/humidify O2 (almost 100% body humidity) at flowrates up to 40L/min via nasal cannula.

What is high flow nasal cannula?

Also: Vapotherm


The best patient position for those suffering from unilateral lung disease is this.

What is "Good lung down"?


Name a device used for PEP therapy.

What is Flutter, Acapella or Quake?


This kind of nebulizer is electrically powered which produces aerosols with small particles.

What is a vibrating mesh nebulizer?

Ex: Aeroneb/Aerogen


This method of oxygenation is very useful to neonates since they are obligate nose breathers.

What is nasal CPAP?


This kind of oxygen analyzer produces a current, measures the partial pressure of oxygen and displays it as a percentage. (No battery present)

What is a Galvanic fuel cell?


Unskilled users, hypotension, untreated pneumothorax and elevated ICP are all contraindications to use of this lung expansion therapy.

What is intermittent positive pressure breathing therapy (IPPB)? 

Ex: Bird Mark 7 ventilator


This particular therapy should be discontinued if sinusitis, epistaxis or middle ear infection occurs.

What is Positive expiratory pressure (PEP) therapy?

This nebulizer is specifically designed to deliver Ribavirin (Virazole) to treat respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) infections.

What is a small particle aerosol generator (SPAG)?


The purpose of this device is to control the mixing of air and oxygen to obtain a specific FiO2 and is accurate within +/- 3 percent.

Air-Oxygen Blenders 

Also: Air-Oxygen Proportioners


This environmental control device is ideal for unstable newborns that require constant care.

What is a radiant warmer (open incubator)?