Seeing only the worst possible outcomes of a situation
When we experience very stressful, frightening or distressing events that are difficult to cope with or out of our control.
A condition of returning to one's old alcoholic thinking and behavior without actually having taken a drink.
Dry Drunk
Principle 4
Surrender-Letting go of control and surrendering to a higher power
helps people deal with the tough moments life hurls at them.
Exaggerating or minimizing the importance of events. You might believe your own achievements are unimportant or that your mistakes are excessively important.
Magnification and minimization
bitter indignation at having been treated unfairly.
The temporary sensation of euphoria and well-being that is characteristic to those who are new to AA and sobriety
Pink Cloud
Principle 8
Love-Cultivating compassion and care for oneself and others
IMPROVE is used to help patients relax in a moment of distress.
Interpreting the thoughts and beliefs of others without adequate evidence. “She wouldn’t go on a date with me. She probably thinks I’m ugly.”
Mind reading
excessive emotional or psychological reliance on a partner, typically one who requires support on account of an illness or addiction.
A common term for relapse- drinking alcohol again after a period of sobriety in AA.
The term is often used as an acronym as well: S.L.I.P; Sobriety Loses Its Priority.
Principle 10
Discipline-Practicing self-control and making positive choices
This skill acronym helps people effectively get something they want.
The assumption that emotions reflect the way things really are. “I feel like a bad friend, therefore I must be a bad friend.”
Emotional reasoning
a person's ability to manage actual or perceived emotional distress
Distress Tolerance
This phrase refers to an alcoholic's reversion to old thought patterns and attitudes.
Stinking Thinking:
Principle 5
Integrity-Living in alignment with one’s values and principles
This skill focuses on maintaining a healthy body so that one is more likely to have healthy emotions.
Thinking in absolutes such as “always,” “never,” or “every.” “I never do a good enough job on anything
All-or-nothing thinking
NUTS refers to Negative Unconscious Thoughts.
ANTS to refer to the Automatic Negative Thoughts that result in anxiety and depression, leading to low self esteem and self doubt
Three Legacies of AA
The Three Legacies of Alcoholics Anonymous are Recovery, Unity, and Service.
Principle 6
Willingness-Being open-minded and willing to change
This skill aids people in maintaining relationships