About Me
About My Family
About Therapy

Name 1 feeling you have about starting therapy and why

Thanks for sharing!


Who is in your family?

Thank you for sharing!


What does a therapist do?

A therapist talks to kids and grown ups all day to listen, help them sort out their feelings, help them learn ways to cope, and support them in meeting their goals together as a team!


TRUE OR FALSE: 1 in 5 teenagers will experience clinical depression? 



True or false: Some Anxiety can be helpful.

TRUE. Anxiety can be helpful because it can protect people from real danger. For example if you are crossing the street and a car comes forward fast toward you, anxiety would alert you to the danger so you can get out of the way.


What is your favorite food?


What is you favorite thing about your family?



What is one thing you want to learn about in therapy?

Awesome, I can help you learn together as a team!


TRUE OR FALSE: Depressed feelings happen to everyone sometimes?



What does anxiety feel like in the body?

You might get a sore tummy, your body might get hot and sweaty, you might get dizzy or shaky, or even feel like your going to throw u or faint. Your heart might pound fast and have trouble breathing.


What is your favorite thing about yourself?

Awesome, you rock!


What do you and your family like to do together?

Sounds fun!


What does confidentiality mean?

Confidentiality means that what you and your family talk about in therapy stays private between you, your family and your therapist. Meaning, this is your safe space to talk about whatever you need and you know it will stay safe here.


What is Depression?

Depression is when normal feelings like being sad, down, grumpy, or irritable are very intense, go on too long and get in the way of normal life. When they happen too much and interfere with life—get in the way of doing things you want to do and need to do—is when it is important to get help.


True or false: The goal of therapy is to make anxiety go away.

FALSE. Remember, some anxiety is normal and helpful. The goal of therapy is to help individuals handle fears and worries so anxiety does not stop them from doing normal activities.


What is one thing you would like to change?

Maybe we can work on that together!


What is one thing you would like to see change in/about your family?

Thank you for sharing that!


What are the 3 reasons a therapist would break confidentiality?

If you are going to hurt yourself, hurt someone else, or if someone (an adult) is hurting you or any other child


Name at least 3 common signs and symptoms of depression.

• Feeling sad, guilty, worthless, or hopeless 

• Feeling tired all of the time

 • Sleeping too much or not enough 

• Having trouble focusing 

• Not wanting to do fun things 

• Eating too much or not enough

 • Not liking yourself

 • Missing school 

• Not wanting to be around other people


What is anxiety?

Anxiety is a feeling of worry or nervousness. Everyone gets anxious or worried sometimes. When people worry a lot, it can be hard for them to feel happy enjoy certain activities.


What is one really important thing I should know about you?

Thank you for sharing that with me!


What is one really important thing I should know about your family?

Thank you for sharing :)


What is one worry/concern you have about therapy?

Thank you for sharing that 


Name at least 2 things that have helped you feel better.


we can work together on finding other things and activities that can continue improving your mood.