Community Meeting
Coping Skills
Mental Health

What is the first question of a community meeting?

How are you feeling?


Why are coping skills important?

Coping skills are important to help us get through difficult moments that make us sad, anxious, or angry.


What is quality time? 

Quality time is positive time spent together. No stressful conversations are allowed, this time is meant to be happy and relaxing as a family.


What is the second question in a community meeting?

What is your goal for today?


Name 2 of your coping skills

Examples - deep breathing, exercise, calling a friend, taking a shower, etc.


What is anxiety?

Frequent intense, excessive and persistent worry and fear about everyday situations.


What is an "emotion" word?

A word that describes how we feel, like happy, sad, nervous, angry, or calm.


Name 3 of your coping skills

Examples - deep breathing, exercise, calling a friend, taking a shower, etc.


What is depression?

Persistent feelings of sadness and loss of interest. It affects how you feel, think, and behave.

What is a community meeting?

A community meeting helps us check in with one another about how were feeling, what our goals are, and who we will rely on if we need help.


Name 4 of your coping skills

Examples - deep breathing, exercise, calling a friend, taking a shower, etc.


What are the benefits of therapy?

Improved communication, self-esteem, understanding of emotions, mood, self reflection, and changes in behavior.


What do community meetings teach us?

Community meetings teach us important skills on identifying how we feel, settings goals, and helping us know who we can count on before things get hard for us.


When should you use your coping skills?

EVERDAY! Coping skills keep us feeling good.

Who is responsible for taking care of your mental health?

You! We are each responsible for caring for our own feelings.