Healthy Coping Skills
Unhealthy Coping Skills
How to deal with Emotions
Impulse Control

The feeling of displeasure, being very irritated or annoyed.

What is "Anger?"


What is a coping skill (define it)

Methods that people use to handle/manage stressful situations. 


In through your nose, out through your mouth.

What is "deep breathing" 

True or False: 

Talking to others about problems in our lives is a healthy coping skill.


Talking to others allows us to share our emotions and problems so that we do not have to go through them alone.


A feeling of emotional or physical tension, coming from any event or thought that makes you feel frustrated, angry, or nervous. 

What is "stress"?


What is impulse control?

Impulse control is the ability to think about something before doing or saying it.


A feeling you have when you fear something bad will happen to you or someone else.

What is "scared" or "afraid?"


Name two unhealthy coping skills.

- Sleeping too Much

- Eating too Much

- Avoiding the Problem

-Hurting others or destroying property


Being away from the group to calm your body, your thoughts, and try to change your feelings.

What is taking space?


True or False:

Every coping skill is healthy.


Some ways that we learn to cope are not healthy for us! (ex: fighting, eating too much, running from problems, etc.)


True or False: Self-care looks different for everyone. 

Self-care can look different for everyone, and that's okay. The most important thing about self-care is that it feels good to you.


Why is impulse control important?

It is important so that we do not make decisions without first thinking about them.  For example, when taking a test, we need to think about the question before we choose an answer.


Feeling ashamed or embarrassed because of your actions.

What is "guilty?"


Suzie gets into a fight with her mom. She decides to leave the situation and go for a walk. Is this a healthy coping skill?


Going on a walk and leaving the situation is a great way to reduce stress and calm down. 


Using words to describe your thoughts and feelings to someone you trust.

Exercise helps you stay healthy physically and mentally.  It is also a great way to get out feelings of frustration or anger.


True or False:

Coping skills are used to avoid problems in our lives.


Coping skills help us work through our problems and emotions. You do not want to avoid these! Avoiding is considered an unhealthy coping skill.


Name 3 symptoms or signs of stress

- Dizziness

- Headaches (Headaches)

- Exhaustion (Exhaustion)

- Racing heart

- Upset stomach

- Changes in appetite


What is one way to control your impulses?

take 3 deep breaths before answering or doing something


A feeling you have when you are really looking forward to something.

What is "excited?"


John is feeling overwhelmed and upset after school.  His parent asks him to do the dishes and, without thinking, John gets upset.  He begins yelling at his mom and throwing the dishes onto the ground.  Is this a good coping skill?


Yelling at others and destroying property are both unhealthy coping skills. His reaction hurts his moms feelings and can also make her upset.  If John is feeling overwhelmed he can ask mom for help or for a break.


Writing down thoughts and feelings about what you experience.

What is journaling?


True or False:

Coping skills help you focus on the important things in your life.


When we can cope with problems in our lives, it is easier to focus on everything else that is important to us!


Name 3 examples of physical self-care:

- Try a new workout

- Eat nourishing foods

- Get adequate sleep

- Play your favorite sport 

- Dance

- Drink more water



Ben is at school when an older student begins to tease him.  The older student begins to call him names like "baby ben" and "tiny."  Ben becomes upset and begins hitting the older student.  How could Ben have reacted differently? 

It is ok that Ben was upset that he was being called names.  However, hitting others is never ok. 

Instead, Ben should have used his coping skills, like taking deep breaths, to stop and think before reacting.  After he felt calm, Ben could tell the teacher or ask a trusted adult for help.


A feeling you may have when you are constantly thinking about something and are unsure of what the outcome will be.

What is "worried?"


How can unhealthy coping skills negatively affect our lives?

Unhealthy coping skills make it harder for us to feel better and cope with the problem.  Often, it creates more problems and harms relationships.


This is the process of exchanging ideas, thoughts, opinions, knowledge, and data so that the message is received and understood with clarity and purpose.

What is effective communication


True or False:

Coping skills are not important to your well-being.


Coping skills create a sense of calmness, confidence, and inner-peace. They are important for your overall health.


Name 3 common stressors for people your age.

- Lack of sleep

- Dehydration

- Too much screen time / social media (Too much time in front of the screen / social networks)

- Emotional distress

- School demands

- Peer conflicts


How does identifying your emotion help with impulse control?

If you are able to stop and think of how you are feeling before reacting, you will be better able to problem solve or make better decisions.