Coping Skills

What are some common triggers for anger for kids at school?

hard school work, bullying, having things taken from them by others, being pushed/hit, getting in trouble, getting a bad grade, etc. 


What is a coping skill?

Strategies to help us reduce big feelings or calm down without consequences. 


What are 2 ways to tell someone might be feeling sad?

Crying, isolating (sitting by themselves), quiet, head in their hands, frown, etc. 


You are playing a video game at home when your mother asks you to take out the trash. You just started your game and really want to play. What would show good self-control?

Pause the game to take out the trash, acknowledge your mother has asked you something and nicely request to get to a stopping spot.


You and a friend are playing at your house. Your friend wants to jump on the trampoline but you want to ride bikes. What is a way to solve this disagreement without arguing?

Compromise, find something both of you want to do, one activity goes first then the other...


What are some common anger triggers for home?

siblings not sharing, sibling fights, being told no, getting in trouble, not getting what you want, loss of privileges, etc. 


What are 3 positive ways to calm down from anger?

deep breaths, fidgets, counting to 10, talk to an adult, meditation, art, journaling, etc.


What are 2 ways to tell someone is feeling angry? 

throwing things, stomping, making fists, face is red, hitting, yelling, etc.


You are playing a game with your younger sibling and they are not playing by the rules. You are beginning to get frustrated. What would be some choices that would show bad self-control? 

hitting, screaming, throwing the game....


You are playing Legos during inside recess and want to build a race car. A classmate has all of the pieces you need to make the wheels. What can you do to solve the situation in a good way? 

ask nicely to borrow the pieces, build the car together, build something else until the classmate is done, etc. 


What should you do if your sibling is angry at home?

walk away, give them space, respect boundaries/their things, allow parents to handle negative choices....


True or False: Everyone uses the same coping skills.

Explain you answer.


Not all coping skills work for everyone or all problems. 


What are 3 ways to tell someone is feeling happy?

smiling, laughing, playing, talkative, acting silly, etc.


You are on the playground with a group of friends. They begin to call a classmate names as a joke. You decide to join in. Is this good or bad self-control? What might happen next?

Bad self-control

You might get in trouble, hurt the classmates feelings, show bullying behaviors, cause a fight...


You are doing your chores at home but your sibling has not been doing theirs. You are worried you will get in trouble for the unfinished chores. What can you do to handle this situation? 

Finish your chores and offer to help with the others, talk with a parent about the unfinished chores...


How does your anger affect your friends?

more conflicts, may not want to play with you, make them angry, break trust....

You are feeling excited about an upcoming fun trip and are feeling hyper. What are some negative choices you might make and what ways can you handle your excitement without getting consequences?

running around the room, playing too rough, begging parents...

calming activity, exercise, reading, drawing, play outside....


What are 3 ways to tell someone is feeling embarrassed?

blushing, quiet, avoiding eye contact, lying, hiding, etc. 


You are participating in class while the teacher is teaching but you keep shouting out the answers to the teacher's questions. How does this poor self-control affect your classmates?

keeps others from getting to participate, does not allow others to have time to think through answers, may keep others from learning

Why is it important to try to problem-solve with others before asking an adult for help?

Give an example.

prevents tattling, allows you to practice your own skills, allows adults to handle bigger problems...


How does your anger affect your parents/teachers? 

frustrates them, poor trust, consequences, disrupts class/home routine...

When we feel angry we sometimes want to be physical such as hitting, kicking, etc...

What are some positive ways to express physical anger without causing harm to yourself or others?

stress ball, punching bag, punch a pillow, lemon squeeze, tear paper over trashcan...

What are 3 ways to tell someone is feeling nervous? 

Bonus: name a color to represent this feeling (Double points)

hiding, quiet, looking at the ground, hands/legs shaking, biting lip, shaky voice, etc. 


Using good self-control can be hard to do. What are some things that can make showing good self-control more difficult? 

strong emotions, friends making poor choices, feeling hyper....


What are some situations that you should immediately ask an adult to help you with? 

Give an example.

if the situation is dangerous, someone is hurt or going to get hurt, you have tried to solve the problem on your own several times....