Who is most similar to you in your family and why?
What feeling have you felt the most over the last week?
What are three things you like about yourself?
What goal do you have for yourself over the next week and why?
What does a healthy friendship look like?
Who in your family is the most different from you and why?
What feeling would you like to feel more often lately and why?
What are three things that make you unique compared to others?
What goal do you have for yourself over the next month and why?
What are the three things you look the most for in a friend and why?
What four words best describe what your family is like?
Share three times you felt the most happy in your life and why.
Share two times in your life when you have been the most proud of yourself and why.
What are three goals you want to achieve over the next year and why?
Has a friend ever hurt you before, or did you ever hurt a friend? What was going on, and what did you learn about yourself?
What is something you would like to give your family and why?
What is the difference among feeling frustrated, angry, and enraged? Share a time you felt each of these feelings.
What is the nicest compliment somebody has ever given you? Why was it important?
Share a goal you would like to achieve in each of the following areas and why:
School - Relationships - Health
What are three good strategies to create a friendship with somebody?
Share at least three things that healthy families have in common.
Share an experience in which you did not understand how you were feeling until later. What was going on and what did you learn about yourself?
Courage happens when we are willing to be comfortable with being uncomfortable. Share a time when this happened to you. What did you learn about yourself?
Why are goals important to make? What long term goal is most important to you?
Would you rather have a lot of friends but no close friends, or a couple close friends only? Why?