Vocabulary 1
Vocabulary 2
Key Concepts 1
Key Concepts 2

The energy that an object has when it is moving.

Kinetic Energy


To make an educated guess based on information you already know.



Molecules in a hotter sample will....

A: have more kinetic energy

B: be moving faster

C: be moving slower

D: be red in color

A: have more kinetic energy


B: be moving faster


Why does the transfer of energy between two colliding things stop?

The energy transfer between two things stops when the items reach equilibrium.


Your family orders a pizza from Dominoes, but the driver left the bag open. The pizza is now cold. What happened?


A: The energy in the molecules of the pizza decreased

B: The pizza lost heat molecules

C: The cold energy in the molecules of the pizza increased

D: The energy in the molecules of the pizza increased

A: The energy in the molecules of the pizza decreased


To move from one object to another or one place to another.



A measure of the average speed of the molecules of a substance.



When two samples come in contact the energy will flow

A: From the cold one to the warmer one.

B: From the warmer one to the cooler one.

C: In both directions

B: From the warmer one to the cooler one.


Why did the food coloring spread faster in the hot water than it did in the cold water?

Food coloring spread faster in the hot water because the molecules had more kinetic energy, meaning they moved faster and were able to spread the food coloring throughout the water faster.


Lin cooked a pot of soup, then put half the soup in the freezer for a while. Now the soup in the pot is hot, and the soup in the freezer is cold. What is the difference between the molecules of the soup in the pot and the molecules of the soup in the freezer?

Molecules in the pot are moving fast. Molecules in the freezer are moving slower


Collision means:

A: When something stays mostly the same over time

B: A group of atoms joined together in a particular way

C: The moment when two objects hit each other

C: The moment when two objects hit each other


A balanced state in which a system is stable, such as when two samples are at the same temperature



The molecules of a system will transfer energy until the system reaches a stable state known as . . .



If two objects are touching and one object DECREASES in temperature, the other object will ____________ in temperature.

A: Increase

B: Decrease 



Miss Corrigan is cooking rice in a pot. When she leaves the pot on the stove for a while, the temperature of the rice increases. What happens to the molecules of the rice when the temperature of the rice increases?

The molecules gain kinetic energy and move faster.


Stability means:

A: A building in which livestock, especially horses, are kept.

B: When something stays mostly the same over time

C: The strength to stand or endure

B: When something stays mostly the same over time


The total kinetic energy of an object

Thermal Energy


True or False

Energy can't be created or destroyed.



Find the average of this set of numbers: 1, 1, 2, 4, 5, 5



Joseph puts a piece of toast on a plate. The toast is hot from the toaster. When he puts the toast on the plate, the energy of the plate increases. What happens to the energy of the toast?

The energy of the toast decreases.


Tiny particles that make up all matter



Interconnected parts that form a whole.



Energy transfers occur when....

A: molecules combine with each other

B: molecules collide with each other

B: molecules collide with each other


What is it called when molecules have zero molecular movement?

Absolute Zero


Rico and Bree are camping and have potatoes wrapped in foil to eat. Bree put her potato in the campfire for a while, but Rico did not. Now Bree’s potato has a high temperature. What is the difference between the molecules of the two potatoes?

The molecules in Bree's potato are moving fast, while the molecules in Rico's are moving slow.