After the gears have been touching for a while, which of the two bottom gears will be cooler, and why?
The larger bottom gear will be cooler than the smaller bottom gear, because the energy that transferred to it was spread out over more molecules.
a number that summarizes a set of data and that can be computed by adding all the numbers in a list and then dividing by the number of numbers in the list
The average kinetic energy of a sample
What will happen after the pipes have been touching for a while?
Before the pipes touch, the front pipe is hotter than the back pipe. Once the pipes are touching, the front pipe will transfer kinetic energy to the molecules in the cooler back pipe until both pipes reach the same temperature, which will be in between their starting temperatures.
the energy that an object has because it is moving
Kinetic Energy
to move from one object to another or one place to another
After the pans have been touching for a while, which of the two bottom pans will be cooler, and why?
The larger bottom pan will be cooler than the smaller bottom pan, because the energy that transferred to it will have spread out over more molecules.
the moment when two objects hit each other
a set of interacting parts forming a complex whole
How does the temperature of the garage bucket compare with the temperature of the outside bucket before the buckets touch?
Before the buckets touch, the garage bucket is hotter than the outside bucket.
when something stays mostly the same over time
a group of atoms joined together in a particular way
After the bricks have been touching for a while, whose top brick will be cooler?
Sheila’s top brick will be cooler than Ralph’s top brick, because the energy that transferred to Sheila’s was spread out over more molecules.
the total kinetic energy of all the molecules that make up a sample
Thermal Energy
a balanced state in which a system is stable, such as when two or more samples are at the same temperature