This is the temperature that water freezes
What is 32 degree farenheit or 0 celcius?
The temperature at which the particles have sufficient molecular motion to exist in a gas is this.
What is the boiling point?
The state of matter with the second lowest energy is this.
What is liquid?
When you touch a hot pan the energy is going from what to what.
what is the pan to your hand?
The term for when a substance goes from one state of matter to another.
What is a state change/phase change?
These are the three main states of matter
What are solids, liquids, and gasses?
The scale of temperature measurement that we use in science
What is the celcius scale?
All or the Total the kinetic energy of the molecules in an object or substance is known as this.
What is thermal energy?
The law of conservation of energy
What is energy cannot be created or destroyed?
The state of matter with the lowest energy state is this.
What is solid?
The energy that flows as a result of a temperature difference is known as this.
What is heat?
True or false: Does cold exist
What is false.
Molecules move fastest in this type of substance
The movement of heat from one object to another by molecular collision is known as this.
What is conduction?
This is happening to the energy in a molecule to make it turn from a liquid into a gas. (up or down)
What is increasing?
The state of matter with the lowest energy is this.
What is solid?
The state of matter with the second highest energy is this.
What is liquid?
The transfer of heat between two objects that are touching each other.
What is conduction?
When a can of sprite is placed in an ice chest full of ice, the thermal energy will flow from this to this.
What is from the can of sprite to the ice?
in our atmosphere what is the state of matter change called when a gas turns into a liquid
What is condensation
Heat always moves from this to this.
What is hot to cold (high to low)?
This is a phase change where a liquid loses energy to become a solid
What is freezing?
A device used to measure temperature is known as this.
What is a thermometer?
A substance that allows energy to pass through it easily
What is a conductor?
The average kinetic energy in the molecules of a substance.
What is a temperature?