A coin heated to 100 C is dropped into water at 20 C. After thermal equilibrium is established, the water temperature is now 40 C. Which object had a greater temp change?
The coin
symbol for enthalpy
If a process is reversed, what happens to the enthalpy change for the process?
its sign is flipped
What is Yusuf Favorite hobby
Sounds Fun!
A substance that does not transfer heat easily is known as a(n)
When you calculate qsur, how can you find qrxn?
flip sign
These are published values that state how much heat is absorbed or released when 1 mol of a substance is made.
enthalpy of formation
How can you find enthalpy change from a calorimetry experiment?
Great Job, proud of you :)
What is the name of Ayah's exceptional dessert recipe
Chocolate Pudding :) :) love love it!
specific heat
In a calorimetry experiment, how would using a non-insulated cup impact your data?
heat would be lost/ temperature change wouldn't be as great
How would delta change?
ORIGINAL A + B --> C H = -40 kJ/mol
NEW equation: 2C --> 2A + 2B
+80 kJ/mol (flip sign and double)
2A + 3B --> 3D delta H = -100 kJ/mol
What happens if this is manipulated?
A + 3/2B --> 3/2 D
-50 kJ/mol
What is Naail favorate country to visit
How does water's specific heat compare to most other substances?
In the calorimetry equation, what does "m" stand for?
What does it mean to say enthalpy is an extensive property?
dependent on amount
What is Yonus's favorite food?
What is Rayan's Abdallah favorat dish to make?
Can we tatse it?
What is Abdalla's favorate movie
I don't watch movies except if they are based on a true stories :)
Nawfal, if you have a magic wand, what would you do with it?
That sounds interesting!
Khadija, should I teach next year?
I would like to. If they give me a block schedule
I love the students at HQA too much
Rabia, how many questions should I put on the next test?
We will see :)
Noor, Zahra, should I add a bonus question and bonus points for the study guide?
I will :)