What does OXY stand for?
Theta Chi Upsilon
President of CMU
President Drake
This boy bands “I Want It That Way” music video included all the iconic “group sing-along” moments.
What is Backstreet Boys
First week of classes when professors mostly go over the sllyabus and students do little to no work
Syllabus Week
Staple of college dorms is the ultimate “I can’t cook but I’m hungry” meal, and it often involves boiling water, waiting 3 minutes, and pretending its gourmet.
Ramen noodles
What does ΔBT stand for?
Delta Beta Tau
The place on campus everyone dreads to walk up
T Berry
This 90’s cartoon featured a group of kids who solved mysteries in a van
This is the name for that thing you do when you scroll through Netflix for an hour, telling yourself you’ll start homework “after one more episode”
This snack is crunchy, cheesy, and you’ll find orange powder all overy your fingers
What do organizations say when PM’s ask about rushing info
Pledge and find out
if you beat president drake in ping pong what do you get
Free tuition
This show featured people competing in extreme physical and mental challenges while being stranded on a deserted island.
When you realize you have a exam tomorrow at 8am and you have to studying 10 hours of lectures in a night.
What’s CMU dining hall known for on Friday’s?
Who’s the Greek life advisor
What year was CMU founded?
This plumber, with a red hat and mustache, became the face of Nintendo and led to countless hours of 8-bit adventures.
Weekly activity to hangout with other Greek life organizations
This is the food that looks suspiciously like a tiny pizza but tastes like regret in about 15 minutes.
Pizza rolls
What’s the Greek dues for each active member
What’s the name of the cement pad outside of Stedman?
The Bean
This handheld gaming device made you feel like you were living in the future with its 8-bit games and tiny screen.
Game boy
something brooks parker does not have
What’s the best day of the week for dinner?