What date was Theta chartered in Stony Brook?
April 17th 1998
What date was OPBSI Founded?
March 15th 1989
Who is the number 2 of Fall 2021?
Katherine Heredia
What region is Theta apart of?
Region 2
What is our Call?
What is the name of the sister who hosted us for Beta Thanksgiving?
Angelik Santiago
What is a annual Spring Event hosted by Theta?
Fraternity and Sorority Night
Week of illumination
How many founders founded Omega Phi Beta Sorority,Inc?
17 Radiant Founders
Which chapter was a Theta Sister ME to?
Upsilon Chapter
Beta Epsilon
Alpha Nu
Who was ME to "Luzaku" ?
Elisa Pereyra FALL 2017 #2 and Brenda Garrido Fall 2018 #4
What is our vision?
Who is the only Bengali of Theta?
Tazmin Begum
What is our mission?
Who won the dedication award during 2024 convention?
Ashley Pera