Who signed Executive Order 9066?
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Takei's family was given ________ to pack up their lives.
10 minutes
After FDR's "Infamy" Speech, how long did it take for congress to declare war on Japan?
33 minutes.
What was each family given to wear?
A tag with their name and travel date.
What is the name of the camp?
Camp Rohwer
What event led to Executive Order 9066?
Pearl Harbor
Where were Takei's parents born?
Father- Yamanashi, Japan
Mother- California
What were considered "fifth column activities?"
Spying and sabotage.
What state are the Japanese Americans traveling to?
What were the two different journeys?
An adventure of discovery and an anxiety-ridden voyage.
What was Executive Order 9066?
allowed the military to designate areas from which people deemed a threat to the nation could be excluded, leading to their forced relocation to internment camps.
Who was Takei named after? Why?
King George VI because his parents lost their first child and wanted a name befitting his place at the center of their lives.
What was imposed on March 24, 1942? Give specifics.
A curfew issued. Anyone of Japanese ancestry was to stay home from 8p.m. to 6 a.m.
What is ironic about this statement?
"We were unloaded at Santa Anita Racetrack and herded over to the stables."
They were taken over to the stables, treated as animals
Why did Takei's mother bring the canteens?
She was worried about the water quality on the train.
How many relocation camps were there?
(hint: more than 5 but less than 20)
What is Takei doing when the novel flashes forward?
Giving a Ted Talk
What 2 things happened if suspected of enemy activity?
Government froze bank accounts and seized property.
Why were the people on the train forced to close the shades when they arrived to a town?
They were not to be seen by the townspeople. Likely to hide the government's treatment of Japanese Americans.
What Block, Barrack, and Unit were the Takei's assigned to?
Block 6, Barrack 2, Unit F
In your own words, what does Takei mean when he uses the term "fifth column activities?"
a group of people who undermine a larger group or nation from within, usually in favor of an enemy group or another nation
How does the artist depict the family's day before the announcement on December 7, 1941?
The family is happy and calm, decorating the tree while listening to christmas music.
Why was Takei at FDR's museum and Library?
He was invited to speak for the 75th anniversary of Executive Order 9066.
What is the difference between incarceration and internment?
Incarceration- confinement in a place (prison) as a punishment for a crime.
Internment- confinement of "enemy aliens" during times of war.
What is the meaning of the statement, "memory is a wily keeper of the past."
Your memories change over time and make you see things in a different light.