Entering the Conversation
Plagiarism vs. Paraphrasing
True or False
It has become common today to dismiss ________.
Template for Introducing "What They Say"
What's the point of the anecdote about Dr. X in the beginning of chapter one?
To illustrate the author's argument that it is important for writers to clearly indicate "what larger conversation [their] thesis is responding to" (20).
You introduce a view that has become so widely accepted that by now it is essentially the conventional way of thinking about a topic.
Standard views (23).
Written: Similarly, when he leaps into the open grave at Ophelia’s funeral, ranting in high heroic terms, he is acting out for Laertes, and perhaps for himself as well, the folly of excessive, melodramatic expressions of grief. Original Source: Similarly, when he leaps into the open grave at Ophelia’s funeral, ranting in high heroic terms, he is acting out for Laertes, and perhaps for himself as well, the folly of excessive, melodramatic expressions of grief.
Plagiarism (verbatim).
Martin Luther King Jr.'s "Letter from Birmingham Jail" does NOT use explicit "they say / I say" moves.
False (4).
You would think that ______.
Template for Introducing "Standard Views"
At what point in their writing does the author suggest that a writer needs to explain what she/he is responding to?
"Either before offering that response or, at least, very early in the discussion (20)."
Define plagiarism.
To borrow from others without proper acknowledgement (13).
Written: Graff and Birkenstein state that the "they say / I say" format can be used for all forms of argumentative writing. Original Source: "Although argumentation is often associated with conflict and opposition, the type of conversational 'they say / I say' argument that we focus on in this book can be just as useful when you agree as when you disagree" (8).
Paraphrasing (cited).
Pollitt's example on page 6 demonstrates how the "they" that you respond to HAS to be a famous author or someone known to your audience.
False (7).
While they rarely admit as much, _____ often take for granted that _____.
Template for Introducing Something Implied or Assumed
What does the phrase "what others are saying" refer to?
The larger conversation (20).
What are representations of basic moves that can be commonly used right away to structure and even generate your own writing?
Templates (1-2).
Written: The text argues that putting aside "pet beliefs" is crucial for generating thoughtful debates and discussions (14). Original Source: "The central piece of advice in this book - that we listen carefully to others, including those who disagree with us, and then engage with them thoughtfully and respectfully - can help us see beyond our own pet beliefs, which may not be shared by everyone" (14).
Paraphrasing (cited).
To keep an audience engaged, a writer needs to explain what he or she is responding to.
True (20).
When I was a child, I used to think that ______.
Template for Making What "They Say" Something YOU Say
What is the problem with giving a detailed list of all those who have written about your subject?
Without stating your own argument, you still have not provided a reason for why your work exists in the first place (21).
Define the "they say / I say" format.
"A format used to agree or disagree with others, to challenge the standard ways of thinking, and thus to stir up controversy" (8).
Written: On pages 20-21, Graff and Birkenstein advise that writers should ignore the larger conversation and focus entirely on their own sole point of view. Original Source: "...we offer you the following advice: remember that you are entering a conversation and therefore need to start with 'what others are saying,' as the title of this chapter recommends" (20-21).
Plagiarism (misrepresentation).
Zinczenko's example on page 12 relies on a version of the "they say / I say" formula, and so his writing is dry, robotic, and uncreative.
False (12).
In discussions of X, one controversial issue has been _____. On the one hand, _____ argues _____. On the other hand, _____ contends _____. Others even maintain ______. My own view is ______.
Template for Introducing an Ongoing Debate
Which of the five categories of templates in the book does George Orwell's essay "Politics and the English Language" use?
Template for Introducing Something Implied or Assumed (22).
Define academic writing.
Argumentative writing (3).
Written: The theme is even more obvious when Hamlet compares the pictures of his mother’s two husbands to show her what a bad choice she has made, using their images to reveal the truth. Original Source: It is even closer to the surface when Hamlet enters his mother’s room and holds up, side by side, the pictures of the two kings, Old Hamlet and Claudius, and proceeds to describe for her the true nature of the choice she has made, presenting truth by means of a show.
Plagiarism (maintains the basic sentence structure).
In Burke's example on page 13, he likens the world of intellectual exchange to a never-ending conversation at a party.
True (13).