This symbol has one filled-in Notehead and a stem
What is a Quarter Note
This mode is the baseline for all the other modes
What is Ionian
The treble clef tells you where this letter lives
What is G
This is the name given to the first scale degree
What is the Tonic
This theme can be used to identify a minor 2d
What is the Jaws Theme
This symbol has two Notehead connected by a single beam
What are eighth notes
This mode is the darkest sounding because it has the most alterations
What is Locrian Mode
The Bass clef tells you where this letter lives
What is F
This is the name given to the fifth scale degree
What is the Dominant
"Take on Me" is a song that includes this interval at the beginning of this at the chorus
What is a major seventh
This symbol has an empty notehead and has one single stem
What is a half note
This mode is very popular to use in songs like Scarborough Fair and Greensleeves
What is Dorian Mode
The movable clef tells you where this letter lives
What is the subdominant
What is a perfect fifth
This symbol is a sign to play with silence and looks like a lightning bolt
What is a quarter rest
This mode is based on the subdominant scale degree
What is Lydian Mode
This is the word we use for the spaces on the Treble clef
What is FACE
This is the name given to the third scale degree
What is the mediant
"Here Comes the Bride" is a traditional song for this traditional interval
What is a perfect fourth
This mode is freaky sounding, but not as bad as locrian
What is Phrygian mode
What is Fanta
This is the name given to the seventh scale degree
What is the leading tone
Brahms' Lullaby sings with this interval, but doesn't seem like it
What is a minor third