Who is worse, Achashverosh or Haman?
In some ways Achashverosh and in some ways Haman
Which track is the highest?
Yesod, Havanah, Iyun, Yediah
Name 5 types of Flowers.
Rose, Tulip, Sunflowers, Lilacs, Daffodil ( other flowers are fine)
What is the most populated country in the world?
Most common girl names in Chabad.
Chaya Mushka or Chana
Name 3 types of Pretzel shapes.
Circle, Stars, Waffle Ect.....
What color is 7th grade's Chidon Book?
Name 5 RED flowers.
Rose, Poppy, Anthurium, Alstroemeria, Blanket Flower, Sweet William ( any other red flower is fine)
Name 6 countries in Europe that start with the letter S.
Sweden, Switzerland, Spain, Slovakia, Serbia, Slovenia
Is Pisac a name?
How many planets are there?
From which-to-which grade can you do Chidon?
4th grade to 8th grade
True or False: Flowers have long lifecycles compared to other plants.
False, they have shorter than other plants.
Which meal is the most important meal in Brazil?
Is Lipman a Name?
What year was Pepsi invented in 1897, 1898 ,1899 or 1900
Name 5 times we offer a Korban Musaf.
Shabbos, Shemini Atzeres, Shavous, Pesach, Sukkos, Yom Kippur, Rosh Hashanah.
Can the soil affect the color of the flower?
What language is most spoken in Africa?
What was the Rebbe Rishab's name?
Shalom Dov Ber
What year was the Alter Rebbe's birthday?
If you find a dead body and you need to bury a bull, you bury it in a field. Say at least 1 things that would disqualify a field and the bull can't be buried there.
It can never be (or been) worked on. It should have a river flowing.
What are the 2 smallest flowers?
Wolffia Globosa or Duckweed
Which Country was the first to allow women to vote?
New Zealand
What was the second Belzer Ravs name?
Sar Shalom