What is the name of Okonkwo's tribe?
What is Umuofia?
How does Ikemefuna die?
What is Okonkwo kills him?
What story does Ekwefi tell Ezinma in Chapter 11?
What is the story of the tortoise and the birds?
Why does Okonkwo go to Mbanta?
What is he is exiled for seven years after accidentally killing a clansman?
What is the name of a hut within the compound?
What is Obi?
What is Okonkwo's greatest fear?
What is to be unsuccessful like his father?
What sport did the villagers enjoy watching during their feasting?
What is wrestling?
What important ceremony takes place in Chapter 12?
What is the marriage ceremony of Obierika’s daughter?
What major religious change happens in Mbanta during Okonkwo’s exile?
What are Christian missionaries arriving and converting some of the villagers.
What is the name of the event Umuofia has before the harvest?
What is The Feast of the New Yams?
Why is Okonkwo famous in Umuofia at the beginning of the novel?
What is because he defeated Amalinze the Cat in a wrestling match?
During the Feast of the New Yam in Chapter 5, Okonkwo becomes angry and does this to his second wife, Ekwefi, after she makes a remark about his hunting skills.
What is he beats her and nearly shoots her?
This character is taken by the spirits of the hills and caves in Chapter 11, causing great distress to Ekwefi and Okonkwo.
Who is Ezinma?
What does Nwoye find appealing about Christianity?
What is it offers him an escape from his father’s harsh rule and the rigid Igbo traditions?
What is the name of Ezinma's sickness?
what is Iba?
How does Okonkwo disturb the Week of Peace?
What is he beats his wife?
What comes into the village that the villagers catch and eat?
What are Locusts?
What does the clan do to Okonkwo’s home after his exile is declared?
What is they burn it down to cleanse the land of his crime?
How does Okonkwo react when he learns Nwoye has converted to Christianity.
What is he disowns Nwoye and beats him?
What is the name of Ezinma’s Sacred stone, which is believed to connect her to the spirit world?
What is Iyi-uwa?
What did Okonkwo borrow to start his first farm
What are Yam seeds?
why does Okonkwo ultimately kill Ikemefuna, despite being warned not to take part in his death?
What is because he fears being seen as weak, so he delivers the final blow to maintain his reputation as a strong warrior?
Why does Okonkwo believe Mbanta, his motherland, is a "womanly" clan?
What is because they are less warlike and more accepting of change, which Okonkwo sees as weak and unmanly?
Spell the name of the man Okonkwo beat in his wrestling match
Who is A-m-a-l-i-n-z-e the cat?