Igbo Culture
Plot 2
Literary Devices

 Okonkwo's tragic flaw

His fear of weakness.


The Week of Peace is best described as

a week when the clan members must not engage in any violent acts, so they do not

anger the earth goddess and the harvest will be good.


What are the outcasts required to do before they may join the church?

Shave their heads


List four physical characteristics that separate Okonkwo’s appearance from that of the other men in his village.

He is tall, has a wide nose, breathes very heavily, and walks with a spring to his step.


The following is an example of:

Okonkwo was as slippery as a fish in water.



The name of Okonkwo's motherland is


The egwugwu clan has how many members? 



How does Okonkwo know the clan will not decide to go to war?

They allow the other messengers to escape and back away in fright.


Why does Okonkwo have no patience with his own father, Unoka?

His father is lazy and a debtor. He can barely feed his family, and he takes no titles in the



The following is an example of:

Our elders say that the sun will shine on those who stand before it shines on those who kneel under them.



Mr. Brown does not like the Ibo’s religion because

they make sacrifices to smaller gods instead of only worshipping the main god, Chukwu.


A man’s chi is defined as

his personal god


What does Mr. Smith wisely do to avoid being killed?

He offers no physical resistance to the band of egwugwu.


Name at least two of Ikemefuna’s special skills that make him popular with Nwoye?

He is lively, can make flutes from grass, knows the names of the birds, can set animal traps, and knows which trees make the best bows. He also knows many folk tales.


The story of the Earth and the Sky and how the Sky withheld rain for seven years is an example of

a myth


The clan does not kill the white missionaries, even though they do not want missionaries living in the Evil Forest because

1. it is against the law of the clan to kill any clan member, even the outcasts who have

joined the white man’s church.

2. they hoped the spirits in the evil forest would scare the whites away.

3. they are worried about killing a white man because white soldiers will come with

their guns and wipe out the village, just as they did at the village of the Abame clan.


In the marriage rituals a bride price is determined by

passing a basket of broomsticks back and forth between families, each adding and subtracting sticks until the final number of sticks in the baskets represents the number of bags of cowries in the bride price.


Okonkwo commits suicide because

he knows the ancient traditions of his clan are gone and so it no longer matters how he dies.


What is an ogbanje?

Ogbanje is an evil child, who, after death, refuses to stay dead. It keeps coming back in its mother’s womb as another child. 


The story of the man who could not see his relative because the foo-foo is too high is always

told at the New Yam Festival. This is an example of ...



The first Igbo woman joins the White church because

She wanted to save her unborn twins from being left in the Evil Forest to die.


An Igbo man gets a message from the gods at the Agbala shrine by

crawling on his belly through the small entrance to the shrine and listening to the priestess proclaim the will of the gods.


With which custom of the clan does Obierika disagree?

A man should be punished for a “female crime.”


Who are the osu?

The osu are outcasts of the clan. They are forced to grow their hair long and are excluded

from the village life.


It is ironic that the clan members will not cut down Okonkwo’s body because

Okonkwo was the only one to act against the white man to protect their customs, yet their customs prohibit them from touching the body of a man who commits suicide.