This bright object in the sky gives us light and heat.
What is the sun?
The Moon gets its light from this bright object.
What tool would you use to see the planet Mars from Earth?
What is a telescope?
What are stars?
A. Objects in the sky that make their own light and can be seen at night
B. An object that orbits Earth and appears as a pale disc in the night sky
C. A tool used to make things that are far away look bigger
D. The type of energy that makes things warm
True or False
We can see the Moon during the day
The Sun is actually a type of _____
Why can we see the Moon at night?
The Moon is reflecting sunlight.
True or False
It is hotter and brighter in the shade than it is in direct sunlight?
What is the moon?
A. A tool used to make things that are far away look bigger
B. The type of energy that makes things warm
C. An object that orbits Earth and appears as a pale disc in the night sky
D. Objects in the sky that make their own light and can be seen at night
Why doesn’t the Moon produce its own light?
It is a cold, solid, rock that reflects the sun
The Sun is made up from
Hot gases
How does the Moon's appearance change?
The Moon’s appearance changes in phases, like new moon, crescent, half, and full moon.
How do telescopes help us?
They make distant objects look closer and clearer.
What is light?
A. The type of energy that makes things warm
B. The type of energy that the eye can see
C. A tool used to make things that are far away look bigger
D. An object that orbits Earth and appears as a pale disc in the night sky
List 3 things you can you see in the sky at night.
At night, you can see stars, planets, and the Moon.
The Sun is so important because it
gives life to the Earth
If there was no Sun, the Moon would be....
Cold and dark
What's the difference between our Sun and other stars?
We see it during the day
What is a telescope?
A. A tool used to make things that are far away look bigger
B. A type of energy that the eye can see
C. An object that orbits around the Sun
D. A pale disc that appears in the night sky
How do clouds affect our ability to observe the sky?
Clouds can block our view of stars and the Moon, making it harder to see them.
What are the 2 forms of energy the sun gives to the Earth?
Light and Heat
Why is the Moon looks different throughout the month?
The Moon's position relative to the Sun and Earth
When using a telescope, objects in the sky look ____ compared to using just our eyes.
A. Smaller
B. Bigger
C. Farther away
D. Closer
What is heat?
A. A tool used to make things that are far away look bigger
B. The type of energy that makes things warm
C. The type of energy that the eye can see
D. Objects in the sky that make their own light and can be seen at night
Why are some stars brighter than others?
Some stars are brighter because they are closer to us, or they are larger and produce more light.