Soldier's Heart
Fur Trade
Minnesota General

Did they live in teepees or wigwams

What are teepees?


What the Ojibwe canoes made out of

What is birch bark?


The main character's name in Soldier’s Heart

Who is Charlie Goddard?


The Fur Trade started in

What was as early as the 1500s?


The lake at the start of the Mississippi

What is Lake Itasca?


The sport the Dakota did for fun

What is javelin throwing?


 The Ojibwe mined

What is copper?


The battle he did not actually fight in 

What was the Battle of Bull Run?


The largest company during the Fur Trade

What was Hudson's Bay Company?


The biggest city in Minnesota

What is Minneapolis?


The animals did the Dakota hunt

What are buffalo, deer, elk, and turkey?


 What there language derived from

What is Algonquin?


The date was Soldier's Heart published 

What was September 8, 1998?


The Hudson's Bay Company's owner country

What is Great Britain?


 Minnesota become a state

When was May 11, 1858?


True or false they were in Minnesota before the Ojibwe

What is true?


The letters that are not used in the Ojibwe language 

What are f, l, r, u, v, and x?


Charlie's age at the beginning

What is 15?


The Fur Trade ended

What happened by 1870 most of the Fur Trade had ended?


Minnesota is half covered by prairie

What is the left side of Minnesota?


 The Dakota harvest in spring

What is wild rice?


The number of letters that are in the Ojibwe language

What is 23?


The author of Soldiers Heart

Who is Gary Paulson?


The status of Minnesota during the Fur Trade

What is partially?


The farthest north city in Minnesota

What is Angle Inlet?