Two kids go to a summer home, and fight a lot of monsters, including a yellow Dorito
What is Gravity Falls
Girl with braces, hand-knit sweaters, and a twin
Im king of the ____
what is Squirrels
Cause its _______ (Tilly singing)
What is Fun
Two kids plus their dad move to a city to live with their grandma, and learn how the city works
What is Big City Greens
lady obsessed with Paris, works in a coffee shop with a kid, doesn't like the kid
What is Gloria
And all I got was charred and _____
What is crispy
*phew* I finally I caught up to you. Jin-woo: Im gonna ____ some more
what is run
A big YouTube channel that centers around four things, games, film, food, and style
boy with a hat with a tree on it, followed by a yellow dorito
What is Dipper
From now on the ____ family owns this place
What is Radish
Pacifica is the ____ worst and I'm not just saying that I'd say it to her face
What is worst
guy leveling up from horriblae to good in like 2 weeks and trying to cure his mother
What is Solo Leveling
Guy who went from loser to hero by leveling up
What is Jin-woo
Awkward sibling hug ________
What is Pat pat
Emotional ____
what is Damage
Many yellow creatures following this dude with a big nose and an accent
What is Minions
yellow creature that had a pet rat called poochie
What is Bob
Kirby's _____
What is nubblies
And maybe we can find a fireman- ________
What is whoopie cushion