How does Bobby become invisible?
electric blanket
Which character would be best described as a nosy neighbor
Mrs. Trent
How are Bobby's parents injured?
car accident
Where do Bobby and Alicia first meet?
at the library
The novel, "Things Not Seen" is set in what American city?
Bobby first tells his parents of his problem at/when?
Which character listens to books on tape?
Alicia Van Dorn
Mrs. Phillip's teaches _____________ literature at the local college.
What is Alicia's father's profession?
The action of "Things Not Seen" takes place during what month?
Bobby is a member of the _____________ band.
Which character has the same problem as Bobby?
What is Bobby's father's profession?
Mr. Van Dorn meets Bobby for the first time in the ______________________________
listening room
Bobby communicates with Sheila _________________.
What musical instrument does the main character, Bobby play?
__________________ brings Bobby cookies while he is supposedly sick.
Mrs. Trent
________________ calls Bobby from the hospital to tell him his parents have been in an accident.
Dr. Fleming
Where do Bobby and Alicia usually meet?
in the listening room at the library
After becoming invisible, Bobby refers to himself as what type of historical figure?
A Greek Warrior
_________________ is the officer from the State Department of Children and Family.
Mrs. Pagett