What sign is red that makes you come to a complete stop?
A STOP sign
What is a microwave used for?
Heating up food
What do we say when we greet someone in the morning?
Hello, How are you?
How do we act when in the restroom?
We do our business and wash our hands and come out. We do not throw things at other people and make a mess.
What do we do if we find a cell phone on the ground?
We turn it in to our teacher.
What sign has 3 colored lights?
A traffic light
What is ice used for?
To make something cold.
What do you say when you need to get by someone?
Please excuse me sir or miss.
What do we do when we see something bad happening?
We report it to the nearest adult
The person sitting next to you keeps trying to look at you paper in class. What do you do?
Cover up your paper and continue to work and then when you finish let you teacher know.
What sign is yellow and starts with a "Y"?
What do we say when we need to go past someone?
We say, "Excuse me please, can I get by"?
How do we act when we go out in public with a group?
We stay with the group and do not wander off. We do not yell and run off.
What do we do if we are feeling anxious and need some time?
We tell the teacher and or aid that we need a break and some time to collect ourselves.
Someone in your class wants to work with you on a project, but you do not want to work with them. What do you do?
You, politely say that you already have a partner for the project.
What sign has people on it?
Pedestrian walking
What is a spatula used for?
To flip food
How do we respond to... " How are you today?"
I am good or well. How are you?
What do we do if we need help?
Tell someone
You see a cool new game at the store and you really want it, and your friends dare you to steal it.
What do you do?
You DO NOT steal it. It's wrong to steal and you tell your parents about the game and save up your money to buy it.
What is a rolling pin used for?
To flatten out dough.
How do we act when we eat in public?
We eat with our mouths closed. We do not make a mess. We clean up after ourselves.
How do we respond to any type of serious drill we have in the school?
We line up and listen to the teacher and aid and follow their directions.
What do you when you see someone drop all of their things on the floor and leave money behind?
We help then with their belongings and return the money to them.