What is the name for the program CR in Direct Instruction?
Corrective Reading
How many minutes is an average Special Education class at Morgan
30 minutes
How many elementary schools does USD #308 currently have in Hutchinson?
Which school in Hutchinson is referred to as a Magnet School?
Allen STEM Magnet School
How many students are enrolled at Morgan?
How much does it cost for a student to eat lunch at Morgan?
What program do the initials RM stand for in Direct Instruction?
Reading Mastery
How many years has Karrah Bishop been the secretary at Mogan?
5 years
What is the name of our Special Education director?
Jessica Engelland
What is the name of the Classroom Safety Training?
What year was the addition built on to Morgan?
What is the name of our Progress Monitoring in the Resource Room?
What are the STAR strategies for Direct Instruction?
Sit up
Ideally, how many students are in our group when we do State Assessment testing?
Who was Morgan Elementary named after?
William Yoast Morgan
Owner of Hutch New and Lt. Governor from 1915-1919.
How many steps are there between the first and second floor at Morgan?
22 steps
What year was Morgan Elementary built?
What is the name of the program in DI with the initials CM?
Connecting Math
What is Special Education summer school called?
ESY or Extended School Year
What is the name for the annual meeting between parents and the Special Education Team?
IEP or Individualized Educational Plan