Death and Taxes
Motor Maintenance
Tech TidBits
Staying Fit
Common Sense Science

Once you have a job, your employer will begin giving you this form once a year - a complete list of all of your earned money and money you paid for taxes and other expenses.



Where is the jack (and often spare tire) for a car generally located?

The trunk


Create an example of a weak password and a strong password.

Weak - short, common words, only letters

Strong - medium to long, variety in characters (capitals, special characters, numbers), and uses uncommon/fake/variety of words/characters.


For an average person, what is the minimum amount of excessive to have in a week?

~150 minutes

30 minutes a day during the work week with recovery over the weekend. Ideally this will be largely cardio, with some strength training on occasion.


List any way that we can, ourselves with no fancy equipment even, prove the Earth is in fact, not flat.

Go to a tall building, look at the literal curve of the Earth.

Observe other planets/celestial bodies that could only move the way they do because we are spherical




Airplane flight paths...

Heck, strap a camera to a bg balloon and record, you'll see the curve of the Earth.


Once a year you will need to fill out this form (assuming you make less than 50k) to see if you owe the government any money, or if instead they owe you!

1040 (or 1040EZ)


Walk through the steps of changing a flat tire.

1. Located and remove spare tire and jack equipment

2. Loosen lugnuts on flat tire

3. Jack up car ON CAR FRAME or other secure spot nearest the flat tire

4. Remove lugnuts and flat tire.

5. Place on and secure lugnuts on spare tire.

6. Lower car. Get tire replaced/fixed ASAP (most spares are not full size tires and are not meant to be driven on more than a few miles in an emergency).


Give two ways to tell if an email/DM/text/call is a scam (besides your phone telling you a scam is likely).

Doesn't use your name until you do.

Is unable to identify you in any way (doesn't know any of your info, even stuff the company should have).

Sketchy sent address (email like, or phone number you don't recognize and does not appear with googling).

Too good to be true - no company is randomly calling you and giving you anything for free.

Asks for payment in odd ways - gift cards, bitcoin, wire transfer.

Threatens you - "If you don't do this, you will be arrested" or "you must pay now or the deal will no longer be offered"

Payment is going to a person instead of a company name.


What type of exercise is best for all-around health? 

Cardio (running, walking, even some yoga, etc.) Anything that gets your heart rate up and is a steady, consistent activity.


A perpetual motion machine is a machine that is able to keep moving forever with absolutely no input from the outside (no batteries, no person winding something back up, etc). In other words, it makes its own energy. What science law tells us that these MUST be fake? 

Conservation of Energy

Everything has friction and therefore loses energy slowly. If energy is conserved (can't be made has to come from somewhere else), then that system has to eventually stop and run out of energy unless it gets more from the outside somehow. It can't "make its own" forever.


There are 3 different levels of taxes that you pay each year. Federal, _______, and ______.

State (PA for us), and local (Reading for us)


What is the recommended tire pressure for most car tires?

32 PSI


What does VPN stand for and what is the purpose of a VPN?

Virtual Private Network

It hides your traffic from your ISP, making it look like you are only accessing one website.


A standard healthy meal should consist of mostly (largest portions) what?

Grains (specifically whole grains) and/or veggies

It is important to stay balanced, though. While these are generally higher portions, protein and fruits are necessary for proper balance.


What is "insulation" and why is it extremely important in homes?

Generally, fiberglass or foam that helps to keep your inside air a different temperature than your outside air. It saves loads of money! The better insulated your house is, the less of the nicely conditioned air you pay for escapes. (This can include stuff like the insulation above, but also door seals, better windows, caulking around openings, etc).


Explain what daily compounding interest is?

Double points if you can tell me what the interest owed on a 100 dollar loan with a daily compounding interest of 10% would be 5 days later.

Interest that hits every single day, then the new total will also be subject to interest next day. For example:

Day 1: $100

Day 2: $100+($100*0.05) = $105

Day 3: $105+($105*0.05) = $110.25

Day 4: $110.25+($110.25*0.05) = 115.76

Day 5: $115.76+($115.76*0.05) =  121.55

5%/day would only add 5 dollar a day. Compounding takes the 5 dollars and addis it to the 5% calculation every single day. Here it only costs us an extra $1.55... But loans last years not days and are much larger than $100.


Where is the oil filter located on most cars?

Underneath the engine near the oil pan. Generally under the front of the car.


What is the difference between "open source" and "proprietary" in terms of software and hardware?

Open Source - the code or specifications are open and free for anyone to use- usually even for a profit. (USB-C)

Proprietary - the code or specs are gatekept by the company and no one else may use or must pay a premium to use it. (Lightning charger) *cough APPLE cough*


Daily Double!!!

Explain what "self-advocating" is and how it can assist you in your own personal health.


What is the standard household voltage level (at the outlets) in the US?



According to this year's tax brackets, how much total should you have paid in federal taxes (which is what is listed above) if as a single person you made 100,000 dollars this year?



Name 3 of the most commonly maintenance things on a car. (Things that you will probably need to fix/repair/refill/change within the first 5 years of owning the car.


Filters (air/oil/fuel)


Spark Plugs


Daily Double!

Explain some important steps to perform before throwing away/donating any old electronics.


Does protein help you lose weight? If so, how?


Well, not directly. More protein naturally comes with more calories, so one should not focus on only protein. What is DOES do on the other hand is help you feel full for longer (less desire for snacking), and help muscles grow and repair. More muscle = more fat/calorie burning.


A circuit breaker is a little switch that is meant to "break" a connection if we try to pull too much current through a circuit in our homes. If a circuit breaker is rated for 15 amps how many WATTS of power could we use in that circuit? (Hopefully you did the 400 level question before this)

P = IV

= 15A * 120V

=1,800 Watts

This is super important for high power devices like computers, heaters, blowdryers, (pretty much anything that heats up), even refrigerators. Over-drawing current on a plug is a serious fire hazard. ALWAYS check things like extension cables or battery outlets to make sure they are able to provide the amount of power you are about to use!